Art Portfolio and Changing Majors

<p>Hi I'm a senior applying to college and UM is my number one choice right now.</p>

<p>I am artistically talented and have exhibited work at a great variety of galleries as well as art shows and have put together a strong portfolio.</p>

<p>I plan on becoming a creative director when I grow up and excelling at both graphic design and marketing or advertising is going to help me get there.</p>

<p>As of now I have a 4.6 GPA and a very mediocre ACT of 26 and SAT of 1820 but I have taken 7 AP's and taking 4 right now plus all honors classes. I'm in the top twenty of my huge 1000+ student class (my school is huge), and I have a few C's here and there, but on those difficult math classes (art brain over here)
I am planning on taking this upcoming ACT again and will do better !</p>

<p>I've worked very hard and got a 5 on my AP Studio Art: Drawing Portfolio exam.</p>

<p>I know for a fact that applying normally to the School of Business won't be easy for me, especially because there are more competitive applicants applying there. My chances would be very low.</p>

<p>However, would applying to the College of Arts and Sciences WITH a strong portfolio for Graphic Design make my odds of getting in better than regularly applying without one?</p>

<p>Do they give more importance to the talent or the numbers?</p>

<p>Also, if I do manage to get into the art program and suddenly I feel like it is not the right thing for me, how difficult is it to switch majors? To, lets say, marketing?</p>

<p>Thank you!!</p>