Artist/ Photographer with Entrepreneurial Spirit

Daughter is a rising Senior. She says she wants to study business, but also keep growing in her art. She attends a nationally ranked HS for the arts and is mostly interested in photography/ film. She has had her work published in national magazines, won many Scholastic Awards for her art, etc. She is also a hurdler (D2/ D3 stats–not yet good enough for D1) … Would love some school suggestions. We live in South Florida … See her stats below


  • US/ FL
  • White Hispanic
  • Double Legacy at Duke

Intended Major(s) See above

GPA 3.95 unweighted (somewhere in the 5s weighted)/ class rank 21

  • ACT Scores: 33 (she may take it again … but do we really want to ruin a summer?)


  • various ApPs (calc Ab, english, history, science, spanish)
  • about 3 dual enrollment classes

Scholastic Awards for art
Semi Finalist Kovner Scholarship

*Hispanic Honors Society and National Honors Society
*Co-Founder of Organization
*Volunteer Projects throughout South Florida and Wyoming
*Ranch and Farm volunteer work
*Organized summer camp for migrant workers


Cost Constraints / Budget
would love to get merit aid! Would most likely get full ride at UF and that is a strong contender too.

Do you have a price in mind when you say you’d like merit aid (i.e. you want price below $50k, $30k, $15k)? Do any schools think that you have financial need (run the Net Price Calculator at a generous private like Harvard…if they don’t think you have need, then no one will)? Are there geographic areas that your D would like to focus in on (or avoid)?

With respect to her ACT score, I think it’s a great score and definitely wouldn’t want her to ruin a summer for a chance at improving.

I’ll put my thinking cap on, but you may be interested in this post about someone who was looking for photography at urban liberal arts schools: Looking for a mid size Liberal Arts College with a good photography department - #6 by AustenNut

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Not knowing the answers to the questions above, this is a pretty broad range of school from across the country, urban and rural, north and south, larger and smaller, some nearby and others farther away, and with a wide range of admissions rates (so some safeties and some super reaches).

  • California Baptist: About 8300 undergrads
  • California Lutheran: About 2600 undergrads
  • Connecticut College: About 1800 undergrads
  • Franklin & Marshall (PA ): About 2100 undergrads
  • Kenyon (OH): About 1900 undergrads
  • Ithaca (NY): About 4800 undergrads
  • Loyola Marymount (CA): About 7100 undergrads
  • McDaniel (MD): About 1800 undergrads
  • Oberlin (OH): About 2900 undergrads
  • Palm Beach Atlantic (FL): About 2800 undergrads
  • Rochester Institute of Technology (NY): About 14k undergrads
  • Savannah College of Art & Design (GA): About 13k undergrads
  • Southeastern (FL): About 8100 undergrads
  • SUNY at Fredonia: About 3500 undergrads
  • SUNY Purchase: About 3400 undergrads
  • SUNY Oswego: About 6100 undergrads
  • U. of Tulsa (OK): About 2700 undergrads
  • Webster (MO): About 2300 undergrads
  • Whitman (WA): About 1600 undergrads
  • Xavier (OH): About 5100 undergrads

Just wanted to separated these out, as it is extremely unlikely or impossible to get merit aid at these:

  • Carnegie Mellon (PA ): About 6900 undergrads
  • Tufts (MA): About 6700 undergrads
  • Washington U. (MO): About 8k undergrads

University of Utah’s business program is ranked #2 in the country among public schools for their entrepreneurship program. Given your daughter’s stats, she’d likely get considerable aid there. We toured there for my S23 and were so impressed at how that entrepreneurial spirit is demonstrated all over campus. They find ways to bring students who are artists, photographers, engineers, and business people together for the purpose of innovation. Check out their Lassonde Studio in particular, if interested.

Florida State? My son is there now for DMP and loves it. He’s had internships for marketing and advertising. Lots of creative types there with the film school. Happy kids. Excellent honors program. She would be competitive.

Your D could go several routes with degrees. Advertising, Marketing or Digital Media or any combination.

When we were looking at B-schools for other son I seem to recall SMU Meadows had some options for artistic types. Combined with a top business school it could be a nice option. Your D would be competitive for merit.

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