Artsy students

When we visited, I noticed that almost every girl was dressed exactly alike - Nike shorts and oversized t shirts. Does anyone know if there are any more “artsy” types on famous who, for instance, write poetry, listen to indie bands, and have a more “urban” style?

On campus…not famous. Sorry for typo. Couldn’t edit.

Look beyond the Nike shorts and oversized t-shirts and you’ll see the ones write poetry, listen to indie bands, and have a more “urban” style. They just wear Nike shorts and oversized t-shirts. :slight_smile:

oh yes…Bama does have its “granola kids”. They are sometimes the artsy, theatrical, musical, or otherwise creative ones. Blount kids are sometimes more “granola”.

I don’t mean “granola” or vegan or gay or tree-hugging or whatever.
When we have walked around other campuses, we have seen lots of different styles. But there only seems to be one style at UA.

Explore the Mallet Assembly.

This recent Crimson White article (“From gamedays to weddings, UA style”) may be of interest, @2018eastorwest!

I suspect it may be the area of campus you were in, plus the concentration of “types,” as it were, in those areas. The sorority houses tend to have a high concentration of those “types” - big T shirt Nike shorts - especially since 4 dorms are also in those areas. “Artsy” girls would tend to be more scattered, with classes in the Woods Hall, Morgan Hall general area. But labels do everyone a disservice. Many of those big shirt/Nike shorts girls are majoring in the arts, written and visual, and are vegetarian. They just enjoy being comfortable.

Thanks for the helpful info - that article was so timely :slight_smile:

As a gay, tree-hugging, artsy liberal I can attest to the fact that we do exist. It takes a little more work to find us, but if you explore Mallet, Blount, the Feminist Caucus, UA Dems, and some of the arts events we’re there. Plus, the more of us who come, the more comminity we build! I have been shocked by how active and large the progressive comminity is on campus.