Asian American Movement?

<p>How popular is this class? And how hard is it to get as an underclassman?</p>

<p>I don’t think it’s popular at all, I’ve never heard of it.</p>

<p>Lol. Agreed. You will get into it if you want, but honestly if you are trying to fulfill your ethnic studies just wait until your a junior and try to get into African American 156. It’s real easy from what I’ve heard.</p>

<p>16 students in Fall 2010. All undergrads.</p>

<p>This report will show the numbers of students in every class. If there is more than one section of it you have to find that out and divide by that number to get the average size. They have one report per term. </p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Anyone (no UW ID needed) can find out the number of students in a section by clicking on the section once you select a given course for a semester from the listings. There will be the number of students already enrolled and the total number of spots available. Learn to navigate this site soon. Take courses to meet requirements based on your interest, not reputed easiness.</p>

<p>Asian American Movement (also called Dance 153) fills up every semester by the time seniors, and possibly some juniors with high priority, have registered. There is only one section of about 20 students. The class section offered for Fall 2011 has been full since mid-April.</p>