Asian in Alabama

Hey, I am an Asian student who has been admitted to chemE. I read some articles and saw that there is only a small part of Asians at Bama. Can anyone give me any information about Asians students in Alabama and how they got treated because I am worried about the social life. Thank you

If no one has firsthand info for you, you could try contacting someone here:

(If it doesnt let me link just google “ua source aasa”)

Are you Asian or Asian-American? There are both at UA, but it’s a smaller percentage than you will find at large universities in other parts of the country, especially in the northeast or on the west coast. One of my son’s best friends is a Chinese-American Alabamian, and he has another good friend who is Indian-American. As with many schools, I think they tend to gravitate to STEM fields.

I would try to visit if I were you to see if you feel comfortable.

According to the Fall 2016 Factbook, there were 481 Asians at UA in Fall of 2016. And given the increase in the overall enrollment since then, we know that number is now larger. Also, there are 1,312 non resident aliens. Not sure how many of those are international students from Asia. So in a school the size of UA, even 2 per cent of the student body means there are quite a lot of Asians.