Ask About Andover

I’m wondering if any parents that are around on Saturday the 2nd want to meet at the bar at the Andover Inn around 8:30pm (after the kids have to be checked-in at their dorms)? Or maybe some other time that weekend? DH and I will be in town through the morning of Wednesday the 6th. PM me if you want to try to make plans.

Is Eaton Cottage still a dorm for juniors?

@monica20 Apparently before last year (my first year), Eaton wasn’t a junior girls’ dorm, but this past year it was (because 2020 over-matriculated) and it will likely continue to be.

DC received the housing email this morning.

Does anybody know approximately how many students there are in Newman House?


Can someone tell me where to find a good map of the campus that shows the dorms? The one on the Andover website does not show the names of many of the dorms.

@skimom22 In The Hive, under Resources, there is an interactive campus map.

Thank you @maribrazil . That is helpful but, strangely, the only dorm it shows is Foxcroft.

@skimom22 The version of the Opening of School Schedule that you access through The Hive has a campus map at the very end of the document which has a legend that lists all the buildings. I was able to access the document using the mobile version of The Hive. As for finding my kid’s schedule using the mobile version, I had no luck and had to use Google Chrome on my PC to find it.

Darn it. I would love to but I have to drop DS and then fly out for work and I’ll be back in the night of the 4th for orientation on the 5th.

Maybe nightcap after dorm sign-in on the 4th?


Thank you @AppleNotFar - that’s what I was looking for!

Does anybody know approximately how many people are in Adams Hall?


For the math exams during orientation, do they let you know whether or not you have to take the test prior to arriving on campus?

@violincat3 if I remember correctly, last year there was time allotted on the schedule, but no tests actually took place. If it’s different this year, they should let you know

Does anybody know why there are so few students in Newman House (5)? And also how big each room is? Thank you!

There are a bunch of dorms that have like 4-10 students - it’s just the size of the dorm. They’re p decently sized rooms. Newman also has a rly good location, right next to everything.