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@YoungThriver Sports options are required for everyone, but it ranges from interscholastic (Varsity and JV sports), to yoga, speedwalking, fitness room, cycling, snowshoeing, recreational games, theater, etc. You can also manage a team (basically, you just attend practices, help the coaches out, keep track of stats, etc) but I don’t think that’s available for freshmen. As I said with ffsophiar, there’s an option called music basics, and another called theater basics, where you build sets for theater productions. In addition, some of the productions themselves fulfill the sport requirement. Next term I’m doing morning basics, which is BASICally (hah I’m so punny) light exercise from 6:30am to 7am. That way, I have time in the afternoon to do anything else I want, like practice music ( @ffsophiar this is also a great option if you want more time to practice!) Hope you both #SayYestoAndover !

when are you able to go play in the squash courts?

@alyang OMG that basics stuff sounds ideal. Am i allowed to do this all seasons or do i eventually have to take up a real sport? and does it really fulfill the requirements?

@ffsophiar yes! all three terms all four years! It’s probably harder to get freshmen fall because the department wants to see your involvement first, so just do something simple like yoga. I would recommend doing chamber music and taking lessons starting fall term so that you have a higher chance of getting music basics :slight_smile:

@tacocat333 Honestly, no clue. If you’re a big squash person, your revisit host will probably be too; if not, you can ask around on revisit day to see if anyone knows. You can also comment on @andovergvsquash on insta and ask them :slight_smile:

@alyang thank you so much that helps a LOT. Is it possible to get it freshman fall? Literally my only ec that i applies with is piano and composition, and they know i take it REALLY seriously. one more question- can you take morning basics all the time too lol

Hi I just got accepted into Andover (the only school which accepted me). I’m looking to produce digital music in the future and remember one of the schools in the east-coast having a class for this. I was wondering if Andover was one of the schools who did? Do they have a recording studio or use a digital music making software like Ableton Live or FL Studio? I really do hope so.
Additionally, are you permitted to bring your own custom-built PC? Mine’s a very large Mid-Tower PC.

@tacocat123 you can play squash nearly any time. If new courts in Snyder are occupied during a tournament you can use the old courts.

what is the athletics requirement at Andover?

@DirkTheOilPump Andover offers an introductory and an advanced electronic music course (MUS360 and MUS460 respectively). For more information on available courses, see the course of study:

You are permitted to bring your own desktop PC (or at the very least, I started bringing mine 3 years ago and no one has stopped me since). Note that your monitor must be under 30 inches, though how strictly that is enforced varies dorm to dorm, I’d imagine.

@denvermanning You must participate in some form of athletics during every term at Andover. These can be interscholastic Varsity/JV level, instructional or intramural sports, or “life sports” such as lifting, yoga, or spinning

How would you describe the culture/feel of andover. Is it sporty, artsy, preppy, cutroat, etc.

@alyang I’m a mom of two 9th graders who are vocalists. They were not permitted to take music basics the first term because the school wanted them to be involved with a sport. (But the choral director decides/approves for vocal students and someone else decides for people that play instruments.) She has said that she will NOT approved music basis every term for singers. Regarding theater basics, there has to be a show running for that option to exist. So it depends on the term. Morning basics is not permitted for 9th graders in the Fall (and I’m not sure if it is available in the winter or spring). However, as the other person suggested there are “life” sports that are far less of a commitment.

From the blue book:
L.I.F.E. activities include ballet, modern dance, fundamentals in training (FIT), spinning, yoga, power walking, and many others. Instructional and recreational sports include crew, tennis, squash, volleyball, basketball, Nordic skiing, and ice skating. For more information about the dance program, please see page 88. These offerings usually occur between 3:15 and 4:15 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. To provide greater exibility, the department o ers early morning, later a ernoon, and 7th-period options, as well as the Flexible Fitness Options (FFO) periods 2, 3, 4, and 6.

@denvermanning There are a lot of different cultures/feels of Andover, especially since we have a student body of over 1000 with very varied interests. It really depends upon the people you surround yourself with. Out of all the “stereotypical” cultures, I would say it’s most sport-like, but if you’re the least sporty person ever you can still be fully integrated into Andover life. I just say it’s most sporty because a lot of people play/watch sports events often.

Adding onto @alyang s comments, morning basics are not allowed for freshman, sorry to disappoint @ffsophiar
Also morning sports are sometimes a bad choice as many people accidentally sleep through them and receive a lot of cuts.

@AndoverKid257 do you know any fake “sports” that freshman can take to have time to play the piano? What with all the homework and my regular three hour practice sessions, i need free afternoons.

I think we’ve found something that will be drastically curtailed.

How much time would you have to practice an instrument if you managed your homework correctly as a freshman and didn’t procrastinate? (still getting sleep obviously) When do most people practice?

I mean fall term you won’t get that much work so you should be good for timing. Also for me, I took a break fall term from music and it hasn’t really harmed me. I have a freshman friend who played JV Volleyball, took MTH650 (multivariable calc), and still had time to play piano and is really tight with people in the department. I have another friend who did tennis and had time to play three hours every day. Don’t worry, you’ll find time freshman fall. There aren’t any sports other than morning basics and music basics that’ll give you “free afternoons,” though from what I remember, either instructional or recreational tennis got canceled a lot so that might be something to look into. In addition, FIT only meets for one hour a day. If you’re really dedicated to practicing piano, I would suggest using free periods and lunch to do homework, do a sport that doesn’t take much time (ex: FIT), practice for like two hours, eat, and then you can do homework/piano for your remaining 3.5 hours left of the day before you sign in.
Also, sorry to be a Debbie-downer, but after 9th grade, you’ll probably find yourself with more work and less time to play piano. At some point, you’re going to have to compromise between your studies and your passions, which is something that everyone, Andover or not, has to do sometime. This is not to discourage you or anything but to give you a realistic picture of time management. It’s tough but in the end, you’ll be happier because you won’t be too stressed trying to fit everything you love in a short time period. I hope this helps and gives you a good idea of what to do :slight_smile:

For the plentiful of musicians on this chat ( @ffsophiar and @denvermanning ), here’s a typical Monday next term for me (the day I’m busiest w ECs)
6:30 - 7:00 Morning Basics
8:00 - 2:45 School
2:45 - 4:00 Piano
4:10 - 5:00 Homework
5:00 - 5:20 Dinner
5:30 - 6:15 Asian Society
6:15 - 7:00 Philo (Debate)
7:00 - 8:00 Quiz Bowl and/or Homework
8:00 - 9:30 Study Hours! (HW for me but can also serve as practice time)
9:30 Sign In
9:30 - bed Homework/Studying
Freshmen have lights out at 11.
As you can see, even though I have almost three hours worth of clubs, I still have plenty of time to do homework and practice. This isn’t a typical day for me by any means - all my clubs that meet weekly meet on Monday. So on a Tuesday or something, I would have around 2.5 hours more time to do whatever.
Also - Graves (the music building) tends to get insanely crowded after school with all the music basics kids and lessons so it’s hard to get a good practice room (or any practice room sometimes…). If you want to practice with a good piano, I would recommend going during study hours or after dinner.
Hope this helps!