Ask About Andover

Congrats! I would send an email to your admission officer.

No tryouts for JV XC.

I would say not many people take this course - probably twenty students max? Usually they require a strong Algebra 1 background for the course; at Andover, the term ‘precalculus’ encompasses Algebra 2, trig, and precalculus so students who have a background in Algebra 2 would probably place into the precalculus sequence or Math 380, which is accelerated precalc.
Not super sure about the chemistry thing but I don’t think it’s that common.

@eekeek Chemistry 300 - Yes, it happens a lot (switch from Chemistry to Biology after first two tests < 85%)

@alyang @wilsonmago Ah, I see. Thank you!

Hey guys, I have a question about AP tests at Andover. For most prestigious US college applications, many applicants take 7-15 AP courses. Andover doesn’t have AP courses but do students still take the AP tests? Or is the course work at Andover sufficient to create a strong academic resume?

Students usually take a couple of the Science APs and the Calc BC test. Some of those who have adequate preparation opt to take the Language and Music Theory ones. I also know some people self-studying for some APs.

I think typically, Andover kids take around 4-7 APs by the end of senior year–which isn’t a huge amount, but the courseload should be sufficient enough to make up for it.

Question for current Andover students/parents –
I’m seeing on Instagram that Andover has been holding some town halls on reopening, but they seem to be only for current families. (Which isn’t a complaint; I understand why they would want to take the pulse from current families without muddying the waters with new family angst.)
I am wondering if anyone has attended any of these discussions and might be able to share a little bit about the conversation. Or about any other communication that you might be receiving that hasn’t yet filtered to new families.

BUMP for March 10! :tada:

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My daughter got admitted for 9th grade at PA. We would like for her to be able to take 3 advanced (500 level) classes in sciences, one each in Chemistry, Biology and Physics.
From the Course List it seems that she most likely will end up taking BIO100 in her first year and CHM250 in her second year. Which means that she will have to do 3 advanced science classes in the remaining 2 years. Is that something that many people do? It seems that having to take 2 advanced science classes in one year could be a bit too much.

What does she wants to do? And why

Yes, it can be done, but miles to go before she needs to figure that out.


She would like to take CHM300 in 9th grade which would give her the ability to take three 500 level courses in the next 3 years. That of course depends on math placement and ability to keep an 85% average on the first 2 tests, not an easy task.

Of course there is plenty of time and she will change her mind multiple times but it is good to have a starting plan. This is not a mute point since in May she will get the math placement package. How well she does on that determines if she will have the option to take CHM300 this coming fall. She is taking a Geometry class which ends in June. So here is the immediate question that we are trying to answer: Should she study ahead in her Geometry class and try to do better on her math placement or go with the class flow and possibly do a little worse on the math placement test? Knowing that people that start on BIO100 still can have three level 500 courses would make her less stressed about studying Geometry now.

@idkwtdai: You don’t need to worry about any of this. Your child and her advisor will plot out the best course plan for her. The wonderful thing about BS and much of what you are paying for is the deep expertise beyond yours. You can now sit back, enjoy your gin and tonics, and let Andover do what it has done for its students so well these past centuries. Trying to steer your child’s curriculum is folly, and Andover will not appreciate the interference. Let go and enjoy watching your child’s amazing education unfold. You are now officially fired from the job of guidance counselor. Consider it a blessing. Would you be aghast to know that we had no clue what our child’s curriculum looked like until we reviewed his term grades each trimester? We also had zero insight to his homework, his friend network, his sport requirements, his college leanings, or anything else to do with his boarding school life unless he chose to share. We didn’t need to. We were no longer captain of that ship.

At this stage of the game, before your child has even stepped foot on campus as a matriculated student, you have no responsibility other than to savor every remaining moment with your child before she leaves for the ride of her life. Buckle up; it will be the ride of your life, too.


She should not study ahead. There is nothing worse than being artificially placed too high only to be bounced down. Well, there are worse things, but not for a 13/14 year old. :smile:

Also, I needed to point out that nobody who has not set foot into an Andover classroom has any idea of the intense workload of a “normal” schedule. A 9th grade schedule with CHM300 and MTH320 is insane. :smile:


Thanks @skieurope and @ChoatieMom. That is very helpful!

Yes @idkwtdai breathe! It will all get sorted out. Also, congrats.

And @skieurope is 100% right - the workload is intense. 300+ level classes as a first year student are “a lot.” Two or more super intense.

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Agree with @ChoatieMom and @skieurope

My child is nearing the end of her upper year at PA. Let it go. Don’t have your daughter study geometry. Accept the class placements and recommended levels along the way.


How hard is it in reality get the permission to move up math class? Kid tried asking math department back in August but not allowed at all. Their current placement will make taking AP classes 1 term too late. Can kid study in the summer and retake placement?

Also, are there a lot of seniors taking US History? It’s an area kid is very lukewarm about so it seems almost a waste to take it for the whole year of 11th grade. I think kid would prefer to double up in science, for example.

Do kids take AP exams in 11th or 12th grade?


The kid is a current Andover student so the advisor is the best person to ask. And the answer depends on their current performance, and what class they are aspiring for vs suggested. But just wanting a more advanced classes is never enough for getting approval.

No. There are some, not a lot. Those that do take in 12th are usually those who did SYA in 11th or something similar. Regardless, due to research paper requirements, it should not be put off unless absolutely necessary.

Doubling up it the expense of a core subject is rarely a good idea.

Or 9th or10th. It depends on the subject.

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Thanks Ski.

Another question is how much power/pull does the Advisor have vs the Class Teacher/Department Head?

The advisor advocates for the student but does not overrule the dept head.