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Squash tryouts are a pure ladder for V, JV1, and JV2. Even if you were recruited for squash as a known quantity you will go through this, even if the coach already has an idea where you’ll land.

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My daughter participated in the Andover squash program this year. She loved it! She did need to try out. She made JV2, but also played a few JV games where they needed an additional player. Andover has great squash facilities and the team has home and away games usually on Wednesday afternoons (only half day of classes on Wednesday) and Saturdays. Many of the home games were live-streamed this year and I could watch from home. Upon her admission last year, the team/coaches were really welcoming even though she wasn’t a squash recruit. Feel free to dm me.


If any accepted students attend any of PA’s revisit days please let us know how it went.


I brought my child to Andover’s revisit day yesterday. The event felt very organic (not stiff or staged) even though it was well organized as well.

Sunday night - student talent show and refreshments
For parents-
Monday- academic, student life, and athletics/community/spiritual/music panels, a campus tour by students, and sample lesson by 2 teachers
For students- student life panel and classes with host student, time to meet with coaches
Swag- sweatshirt, shirt and stick on phone wallet


Glad to hear it! Thanks for the report.

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Can anyone speak to Andover’s response to a Covid 19 pandemic?

I’m hoping that the pandemic is behind us, however, would love to hear how the school responded and adapted to the changes. Feel free to pm me if that’s more comfortable.

just finished my andover revisit and it’s exactly how @Mom1122 described it! being my first time on campus, i had no idea what to expect, but i met SO many different people from all over the world, and my student host and his friends provided tons of helpful tips/info.


There was a panel at the beginning, after that we met out student hosts and I kind of just tagged along with them throughout the day but got a tour of campus from them as well. Beautiful campus, although I would say some dorms/facilities are more spread out and isolated from other buildings. Students are very nice, so many people from across the globe; there were 4 international students in the first class I went to!


@username322 and @basedviolinist glad you were able to make it, and glad you had nice weather to boot. Thanks for reporting back!

Re: the campus - yes it’s definitely spread out. One reason for that is PA merged with Abbot Academy years ago. Their campuses were more or less adjacent, but combining them definitely created sprawl. And of course the student body is large so the needs in terms of all sorts of facilities are correspondingly large. My kids have gotten very used to walking around campus. Good practice for college :wink:

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TBH, only really an issue for those living in Abbot Cluster, which is slightly offset by Abbot having some of the nicer housing. Even for the other clusters, the walk to some of the facilities is a bit of a haul.

But it’s relative. It’s certainly more compact than most college campuses.


Agreed. Abbot to the aptly named Siberia is definitely a haul.

Hence the scooters. They invade like cockroaches.

I kind of like the way they’re sort of all over the place, just lying there, forlorn, waiting for someone to pick them up and give them life.

question - should i study for the placement tests? (specifically math!) not necessarily learning new topics but reviewing old ones. like im in geometry right now and while i feel comfortable with the material, i feel inclined to do a refresh on algebra 1 stuff. i’ve read that people say you SHOULDN’T study but i didn’t know if that meant learning new stuff or reviewing old concepts.

No. You can do a quick review, but that’s it.

There is nothing worse than getting placed into a class that’s too challenging only to be forced to drop down after a week.

OK, there are worse things, but not to a 13/14 year old. :grin:


I concur with Ski and would add that even if you wind up feeling like you’ve placed lower than you should’ve, trust the process. Give it a few weeks into the first trimester and you’ll likely come to find that you’re in the correct level.

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Congratulations to newly admitted Andover students! Go big blue.