Ask About Andover

@bc12345 I don’t see the lax job posted on their website

Open Coaching Positions 2017-2018
Phillips Academy seeks applicants for school year 2017-2018 for coaches of the sports listed below:
Boys and Girls Crew
Varsity Boys Lacrosse
Varsity Boys Squash
We are particular interested in individuals who are also applying to teach in one of the disciplines listed below. If you are applying for a teaching position and would like to be considered for one of these coaching positions, please let us know in the body of the email containing your resume and references.
If you are interested strictly in coaching, please send a cover letter and resume to

@momof3swimmers it’s under the “about” tab then careers at Andover

@bc12345 found it! That’s very interesting!!

@momof3swimmers yes especially since I have a potential incoming lax player who wants to play in college. The current coach is really good from what I hear. Would love to hear any feedback on this.

What kinds of subjects are covered on placement tests before the school year?

@bc12345 how about sending the coach an email to ask? Or if your son has been in touch with the captain maybe that’s another person to reach out to? Or reach out to admissions.

@monica20 math, language and music. Science placement is sometimes dependent on the math placement.

@AppleNotFar Is music placement for orchestra seating or others?

@jc570109 the music placement test is for music classes. Ensemble tryouts for new students occur during orientation, or at least they did last year. Once your child gets on campus there are signup sheets posted in the music building.

@monica20 There’s a talent show for the revisits the night before they actually go through their host’s classes. During that, there will be individual student performers as well as student-established performance groups. I don’t want to give too much away (in part because I don’t actually know who exactly is performing this year), but I can almost guarantee you’ll see a couple of our cappella groups and some dancing/stepping. However, as clubs meet in the evenings, I am unsure if there will be an opportunity to see clubs in action during the day.

Hi there. Thanks so much for taking the time to do this.

A few questions:
-I’ve read some things about drugs being a real issue on campus. Can you give us a sense of how true that is?
-Would you happen to know any Varsity Boys Lax players who might be aware of whether the coach is leaving next year and who would be replacing him?
-what is the best dorm in our opinion?
-if a student is ok financial aid, does aid cover things like spring trips with teams?

Lastly (I swear)
Do you have many friends who have left school or been kicked out? Thanks!!


  1. I’ve heard drugs have been an issue in years past, but in my time here it’s been much less prominent and I think the school is doing everything it can to eliminate the issue

  2. I’ve heard that might be the case, but haven’t heard anything conclusive. I can check with some people and get back to you. Also, if lacrosse is something you’re really into, your revisit host will probably also be a lax player so he’ll be able to give you more information. You should hear who that is about a week before your visit.

  3. I’m personally a big fan of the dorms in West Quad North and West Quad South. They’re far enough away from campus that you feel like you’re going home at the end of the day but still close enough that its not a hassle (IMO Abbot is way too far). I’m currently in Taylor Hall (WQS) and I really like it, I’ve also heard Bishop (WQN) is pretty great. If you want to be in the center of campus any of the Flagstaff dorms would probably work

  4. Yes, and this is one thing I think is really great about Andover. Whatever percentage of your tuition is paid for by FA, the school will contribute that same percentage towards any school trip, whether its a team thing or one of the Learning in the World opportunities (which I fully recommend taking advantage of).

  5. No, thankfully none of my friends have been kicked out of Andover.

Hope this helps!

Super helpful thanks so much! Sounds like Mr Palfrey has changed things for the better!

If you hear anything about the coach it would be great if you could let me know. I’ve emailed him directly but he is away right now.

I’m glad your friends have stayed put. :slight_smile:

@Atreus just got clarification from the coach. He’s staying! They are just hiring someone to help.

Which cluster would be most suitable for someone who wants to live in a medium-sized dorm? Also, are clusters sorted by personality (members of Cluster A are more sociable, while students in Cluster B are more reserved)?


  1. That depends on your grade.

    • If you’re class of 2021, there are separate dorms for freshmen so there’s less choice. Double Brick (Abbot cluster)
      is probably a good option. It’s a bit of a hike but as far as Abbot goes, its one of the closest and I’ve heard good
      things about the dorm.
    • Otherwise, Abbot or Flagstaff are probably the best pick. The only thing really stopping me from fully
      recommending Abbot is that it is quite a ways away from the center of campus but if you’re ok with that, it’s
      definitely a good way to go.
  2. Not really, since you’re assigned a cluster/dorm over the summer before they really get a chance to get to know your personality like that. However, I will say that there are sometimes stereotypes about each cluster, like the “Harry Potter comparisons”:
    Griffindor = Flagstaff
    Ravenclaw = Abbot
    Hufflepuff = Pine Knoll
    Slytherin = West Quad North/South (please don’t hold it against us)

But really, there’s a fairly even mix of people in all clusters, and really in all dorms, so you don’t need to worry about feeling totally out of place.


Great! Glad you got that sorted out.

Thanks for answering! Do you know which science courses are open to Juniors? I know most take Bio 100, but I am currently taking Biology 1 and I’m interested in where I could be placed if my math placement scores are sufficient for a higher level.


I know some freshmen, specifically those who have already done bio, sometimes do Chem 300 instead. I’ve never heard of a freshman taking Physics 270/400 but there’s nothing in the course of study specifically saying it can’t be done, but if it does happen it is very rare. If either of those interest you more than another year of Intro to Bio, that’s something you can talk to your adviser about, they’re usually good about working with you on your schedule.

Hey guys, I’m currently a lower (10th) at Phillips Andover. I was a new applicant last year so I understand a lot of the feelings your might be going through at the moment, so if you have any questions about school/life/whatever here at PA, feel free to ask!

Congratulations on your acceptances, and #SayYesToAndover!