Ask Almost Anything About UR!

There is a lot of support at UR. Also, my D2 also has a major and a minor. You can do it.

@cloudysmom Oh! That’s very nice! April 22nd seems so far away (when I am going). Wow. Only four classes? That does seem like a small amount. Thanks for the confidence. I think I am just getting some anxiety as U of R really is such a great school and as I talked about before was my reach. It all still seems surreal. I’m just amazed at some of the other students stats and information.

@rvalover7 Thanks. I remember you telling me about that tutoring. :slight_smile:


I am currently 5/316 in my class. I get mostly A’s. I am really just afraid of my mathematics and science abilities as these are my schools worst departments. I also become really confused sometimes with concepts in mathematics. I will definitely ask for help and befriend my teachers. I go to a small public school, so I am friends with many of my high schools teachers; it’s just this academic gap. It could all be in my head though.

@cloudysmom Wow! That sounds like a great experience. I will take your insider advice. That’s awesome! I like that little touch about the sticker. Even though I am a VA student, I actually haven’t spent more than 3 visits to Carytown, so I will take you advice for that too! :slight_smile:

@mamag2855 I didn’t think about that! I will definitely do that to up my chances. I really wanted to attend that event and I will ask about my student service meets I can do. Thank you so much for rooting for me all this time! :slight_smile:

@LMHLAW3 Thanks.

All of you’re advice really helped me. I’ve also been comparing the honors from JMU to UR, and I feel that UR still outperforms the program with its regular students. I think I will have my teacher circle it on our wall of college admittance/acceptance. :slight_smile:

Thank you all again!

Can anyone tell my about the Political Science program at UR? My career interest in political communication. I noticed two professors in the polisci department list campaigns and elections as one of their interests and one lists political communication as one of their interests.

I was accepted as a transfer student for fall 2017 btw. My current school has no professors who have any interests in political communication as well as very limited resources for me. I reached out to the department head for help on a literature review and said the most qualified person to help me would be a junior who had recently done a research project on political communication (this was my only resource). As well, the department is very internationally focused, specifically on terrorism, global security, and developing countries. I’m currently majoring in political science and minoring in comm.

As well, I’m very interested in music. I don’t plan to minor and take classes in it, but being a part of a successful music ensemble. I’m currently part of a concert ensemble where the director treats us like we are in middle school and I feel like i’m playing music at the level I played my freshman year of high school.

Also is it possible to a Chinese language minor? I’m doing that at my current school

Thank you @cloudysmom, all great suggestions!
Does anyone know what the physics major is like there? My son is deciding between that and business. TIA!

@TheYellowBiscuit I just want to say that I am impressed by you just from the conversation here on CC. You clearly have a drive to succeed. You also understand your strengths and weaknesses well and you aren’t hesitant to admit it when you may be deficient. But most of all, you are quick to seek help and information. Once you get help you are willing to change your plans to incorporate the wise counsel of others. It seems to me like you have all of the most important skills you will need to succeed in any college.

@marvin11 at the Scholar weekend the Poli Sci chair spoke and he is amazing! Dr. Palazzolo was his name. You should email him and ask him any questions. He was so helpful! Also they have a Chinese minor for sure. All that info is on the website.

Do UR students go to VCC parties or social events. How much social collaboration-interaction is there between the campuses. What is the nearest full grocery store near campus.

Hi everyone, @guineagirl96 especially, I just went to the Experience Richmond on Saturday and I was blown away at the beauty of the campus. However, I may have been so distracted by it that I didn’t really get a good feel for any of the other aspects of the school (yikes). All of these people ran out in the middle of orientation in crazy colors and we went to different groups for a game, that was fun. It seemed like a very party-ish vibe though? I don’t have any problems with parties, I like them, they’re just not all I want to do all the time. I feel like I would get bored, as one of the students I talked to said that I didn’t need to be afraid of missing out on one party because they were all the same and they happened every weekend anyway. I am worried about the Greek life aspect of the school and how party-centric it is. Also I love love looooove theater and I’m not sure about the strength of the program here, or how competitive it is. I want to make sure I belong here, and I’m just worried about those aspects!

Apologies everyone for not being as responsive lately, finals just started!

@marvin11 Unfortunately, I don’t know much about the Poli Sci program, but as someone mentioned above, you can contact the department chair. There is a Chinese studies minor, but it’s not strictly language- more cultural studies. In terms of music ensembles, we have a wide array to choose from! The music difficulty varies from ensemble to ensemble, but all are good! Even in the ensembles where the music isn’t as hard (at least for me), the directors treat you appropriately, like the college young adults you are.

@barb2021 The physics major is really great here, with lots of lab time for hands on learning, as well as research opportunities. They have excellent grad school placement and study abroad opportunities. You can contact Dr. Ted Bunn, the chair of the department, for more info. I’ll actually be taking an elective in the department in the fall (the electronics course with Dr. Trawick)!

@nopoto457 The nearest grocery store is really close, as there’s a Martin’s about a mile from campus! At the beginning of the year, some freshmen go to VCU frat parties, but that dies down pretty quickly. Socially there isn’t much interaction between the two campuses, as they’re very different schools.

@LunaPark Definitely doesn’t have a big party vibe once you’re actually here. I actually haven’t been to a single Greek party (i’m just finishing up junior year and I don’t even really know where the lodges are lol), and have many friends that don’t party. There are lots of others things to do on campus, especially on the weekends, besides party! Spidernights hosts substance free events like carnivals and open mic nights, etc throughout the year on campus, among other activities available. My friends and I also take over the music tech lab on Friday nights and watch movies together, which is really fun! The theater program is pretty good here, and recent graduates have found jobs in companies and at theaters (doing more tech work). The program emphasizes not only acting, but also the production and technical side, with students being involved in set building, sound, lighting, etc for the productions. We do two department shows a semester, and next year we’re doing Top Girls, The Crucible, PS III Showcase (student run production that’s a major requirement class- play will be announced around November), and Blues for Mister Charlie.

@guineagirl96 Thank you for the reply. I was thinking non-Greek events/ parties/ dance clubs or just general house parties. From what I have seen at other colleges, parties are not just “greek specific events” but students enjoy parties who are not part of greeks (I mean in high school there are no greeks but there are plenty of parties). Also, I do understand that the campus and size differs between VCU and UR, however I’m sure there are similar type students at both campuses. I’ would think that VCU has preppy students, artsy-theatre students, internationals, jocks, and general social floaters…every school does… From what I have read and seen, Richmond the city has a growing foodie, arts and music scene. So why wouldn’t VCU students and Richmond students converge at the same spot occasionally sometime, like on weekends? I think in other college towns students from various campuses do cross paths and mingle. I would think that mingling with VCU would be an advantage for social growth being that UR is small

Are there musical theater opportunities a UR?

Ugh I wrote a long comment about VCU and Richmond Social interaction and it disappeared … to summarize it I was curious about non-Greek events. Like nightclubs, house parties, on campus socials/events/festivals. Also, I didn’t understand about the “different types of schools” comment. I’m sure there are similar groups of students at both campuses…ex: internationals, athletes, preps, greeks, arts-theatre students , social floaters. I think it would be pretty exciting to have places in the city where you can socialize with other young adults and not just be limited to the 3k students at UR (from a social aspect).

anyone know when or if UR is going to use the waitlist? UR is my top and I would love to get in, especially before I have to deposit at another school :frowning:

@Syrupandpancakes Rvalover7 seems to know very much about this. Check the wait list area. The chances are low, but you might get off!!!

@Syrupandpancakes It depends on the year how many they accept. Did you write a letter to let Richmond know you are interested? Sometimes they take as few as 40 and as many as 200. It depends on the incoming class. At this point, you probably will not hear back until after May 1st. I would deposit somewhere and save a spot. Speaking of experience and people I know, the only person I have known to get off the WL was notified towards the end of June.

@rvalover7 Yes, I’ve been in contact with UR and my college counselor and guidance counselor have both contacted UR to let them know it is my top and that I will 100% go. I am hoping to get off, and to get off soon. I love UR!!!

@Syrupandpancakes Well, I wish you the best of course, but it’s definitely hard to get off the WL at UR. I would deposit somewhere else to be safe. As someone who has been waitlisted before, just try to transfer there if you don’t get in! I hope you do, but it’s extremely competitive and you don’t want to risk not having a spot somewhere else!