<p>Why am I so bored?</p>
<p>because you are on spring break, and there's nothing to do.</p>
<p>Is it true that only boring people get bored?</p>
<p>haha, maybe if someone is always bored. but occasional boredom, no.</p>
<p>Why do people keep starting random threads here?</p>
<p>haha, good question. i don't know.</p>
<p>white jesus! will it be a good song? i haven't heard it yet.</p>
<p>neither have i.</p>
<p>am i excited for the atheist convention tomorrow even though i'm not an atheist?</p>
<p>yes, because you are agnostic. why do i know that. i don't know.</p>
<p>am i the most egocentric person in the world?</p>
<p>i doubt it.</p>
<p>who sings the CSI theme song?</p>
<p>who are you...i believe that is the who.</p>
<p>is the rest of that song good, the part they don't play before the show?</p>
<p>yeah, i like that song.</p>
<p>does the bottom of my leg itch really bad?</p>
<p>probably not by the time i am answering this.</p>
<p>am i dying a slooooooooow paaaaaaaaaaaaaainful death?</p>
<p>i suppose, technically, everyone is dying slowly as soon as they are born.</p>
<p>did i forget what i was going to ask you?</p>
<p>did i just remember, and now it's going to be the next question?</p>
<p>when you add "l" to the middle of random words, is it kind of a way to show endearment? ie, carlos -> clarlos, or nethack -> netlhack, or jesus -> jesuls? idk, it works like that in my head.</p>
<p>haha, okay. sure.</p>
<p>Am I absolutley stoked that I got into macalester even though my SAT is 200 points lower than the incomming classes avg.?</p>
<p>ugh, yes. i got waitlisted, and my SAT is 200 points higher than the average.</p>
<p>why aren't you answering questions faster?</p>
<p>because i was taking a nap. SO THERE.</p>
<p>why am i bored?</p>
<p>because you are not watching schindler's list.</p>
<p>why don't I want to work?</p>
<p>because you are tired.</p>
<p>why am i watching cnn?</p>
<p>good question.</p>
<p>you know what show is on?</p>
<p>now i do.</p>
<p>no? it's larry king with katie couric and it's boring the hell out of me</p>
<p>larry king annoys me.</p>
<p>do you think any politicians are genuinely interested in the country?</p>
<p>why do think so if you do or don't?</p>
<p>because, i have faith in people.</p>
<p>do you think hilary/obama would be better than mccain, why?</p>
<p>because mccain wants to be bush III.</p>
<p>do you think obama would be better than hilary, why?</p>
<p>i voted for him, because i think he would beat mccain, while mccain would beat hillary. but i like them both.</p>
<p>should i clean my room?</p>
<p>probably, if you are asking.</p>
<p>you that commercial where the baby talks (for e-trade)?</p>
<p>oh yeah, it was a superbowl commercial.</p>
<p>isn't it really creepy?</p>
<p>haha, no. i like it. except the one where he spits up is gross. but i like the other one.</p>
<p>guess which commercial just ended?</p>
<p>the baby one.</p>
<p>is it obvious vacation just started?</p>
<p>should i be using my vacation time more wisely?</p>
<p>hmm, it depends how much work you have and how many ap tests you are taking.</p>
<p>ok. im done. i don't feel like working, but i'll try doing something. extremely unlike me. but yeah. im feeling more artistic than mathy, which is also extremely unlike me. im expressing it with short sentences and many questions.</p>
<p>do i seem crazy?</p>