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I read on another Site that it was very difficult to get food at the New Traditions Faclity (Scott) on North Campus. I heard you have to wat in line for 20 minutes and often that there is nothing left. I also heard that instead of having serve yourself, the facility will change over to being staffed by OSU personnel. Is this true?

Plus how hard is it to grab something to eat between classes?

@Pinkpoet @kiddy34

I was wondering if OSU had a ms/bs program to take the extra courses need and get your masters as well?

@fatherof2boys Yeah not a problem man. In my opinion it’s optimal to be part of SOME type of “community” whether it’s scholars or whatever just because it makes it that much easier to network (socially) and meet/make friends. PSL is cool, Mount is very tightknit to what I’ve heard. Texas is a hell of a school too I know some people there and they really like it, it’s a pretty big place too. Really can’t go wrong with either

@kooth12 I don’t know how much I buy that, there’s always something there but there are some lines that are usually high demand that you may have to wait in line a lil bit for. the Mongolian Stir-Fry and the Omelette line are what first comes to mind but usually it’s not THAT bad. It was during the beginning of the year just because everyone wanted to go there because it was so new/good and it got crowded but OSU changed some stuff around and it’s definitely all gotten better. I’m a little skeptical about next year just because there’s going to be a lot more students living on North campus but we’ll see. I get your concern though I’ve been thinking the same thing about next year I think dining services realizes that though and they’ll make some changes. I don’t think the lines will be staffed by OSU personnel. there’s a few that are just for obvious reasons but quite a bit is self serve and I don’t see that changing.

If you have a full class period break between classes it’s easy to get something to eat/drink, but you’ll be pretty pressed for time if you try to get something in the 15 minutes before back to back classes.

@fflmaster Yes they do! I’m almost 100% sure every engineering discipline does. Arts and Sciences…that I’m a lot less sure of. A few of my friends are thinking about doing a BS/MS and it seems pretty useful.

Hey I was actually accepted as a transfer student for Fisher, and I just have a few questions about Ohio State. How is the level of difficulty of your classes so far? Have you met any transfer students throughout your experience yet at Ohio State?

@kdiddy34 @Pinkpoet I have not found any limit to AP and Dual Enrollment credit. Do you know if there is any limit? My one son has over 45 credits that he would like to use.

@fflmaster I came in with 38 credits no problem. I haven’t heard of a limit on the amount of credits you can bring in, however I don’t know of anyone who’s come in with that many.
@rocketboi10 I have met a few transfer students while here, however as a first year my experiences with the classes have been limited.
The curriculum as a whole is a good mix of pretty difficult math oriented courses and not-as-difficult courses. All of them are going to require you to THINK but some are more difficult than others.

(If you have specific questions about the curriculum, feel free to message me. I’ve heard specifics about certain classes and their difficulty, but I don’t want to take up space here to talk about it!)

@kooth12. At the beginning of the year there were some issues with ridiculously long lines and I did have ONE experience where a station ran out of food. However that was in August when the dining hall had just opened its doors for the first time. I wouldn’t suggest going to Scott for a quick 15 minute meal, just because it is designed for you to sit down and take your time. But it’s definitely not that terrible. It honestly depends on when you go and what station you go to.

Also, there’s places (like Curl Market,) where you can grab something quickly and head out.

@fflmaster I know if you’re in Arts and Sciences Honors there are a couple of weird exceptions in terms of not being able to use AP credit on honors GE courses or something. Pre-Med I am 99% sure they do make you take your required courses at a 4-year university. Engineering is great for it though I came in with 73 credits and I’ve taken advantage of almost all of them so I can fit in a few minors and still have time for interesting classes (i’m taking economics of sports next year as an elective)

Thanks for doing this! Im an incoming student this fall and wasn’t sure which dorm to have as my preferences. I’ve been in Morrill before (huge No to that) and smith-steeb (which was nice but didn’t like the single gender on same floor instead of mixed part of it) can you name the real nice dorms on south and north campus besides the newer ones they are finishing up?

@Buckeyes0202 I live in one of the new dorms, but I know some people who live in Taylor Tower and they like it. I don’t actually know too much about South campus dorms (like which are nicest to live in, etc.) But I know Park-Stradley is another nice South campus dorm.

@Buckeyes0202 South would be Park-Stradley for sure. That’s just about it … North I would recommend Raney/Nosker/Blackburn/Houston or any of the newer ones. Raney is all freshmen except the suites

Do you know if there are any dorms that are single person with a private bath? I’ve been looking on OSU’s website but I’m still kind of confused. Are they generally hard to get as a freshman? I’m assuming they would be. Also, I didn’t apply to honors, but should I going into my sophomore year? Thanks in advance.

@kingx16 There are a few single person rooms in almost every dorm but it’s going to be next to impossible to get. Usually reserved for RAs and/or upperclassmen. Easier when a sophomore. I would still request one and hope you luck out.

I would apply to honors at the end of your first semester if you keep a 3.5 even if you don’t plan on completing all the requirements. You get access to the “honors” resources in terms of research/internships and most importantly, priority scheduling which is pretty helpful. You could always just drop honors whenever you want

Hi, what is the language requirement for students in Fisher? Is it two classes at or above a certain level? Which means it could be more if you don’t test into an upper level? Thanks!

@alpaca1 Unless you are specializing in International Business, there’s no language requirement at all! While you CAN test into a language and take it to boost your education, it’s not required.

@alpaca1 There isn’t a requirement per se unless you’re in International Business, but there are two “Open Option” GE’s you have to take. Those can be filled through a myriad of classes or AP Credit and I believe 2 classes of language proficiency counts for one of those.

@Pinkpoet @kdiddy34 Is there a two year living requirement now? Are there any exceptions?

@globalthinker yeeeee there is. It sucks. There are a couple of ways you can get out of it,

the easiest is to live in a fraternity or sorority house which I highly recommend because I’m positive that it’s cheaper or barely more expensive to pay those fees for a year than living on campus haha and the other way is to “say” you’re living at a relative’s house as long as it’s within 25 miles of campus and registering as a commuter student while just chilling in an apartment or house off-campus. two of my friends are doing the latter and they’re living in these beautiful apartments on high a block down from chipotle.

There used to be a credit hour exception if you had junior status but I believe they patched up that loophole as they wouldn’t let me and my buds take advantage of it.