Ask Binghamton SOM Student Anything

I’m in SOM, and I’m currently trying to plan my schedule. I heard that credit hours don’t matter as much as the course load for the classes do; right now, I’m planning to take 17 credits in the fall. I figured that wouldn’t be too bad seeing as they preplanned 2nd and 3rd to also have 17 hours.

CQS III (req) - 2
MGMT III (reg) - 2
LING 380E: Writing for the Soc Sciences © - 4
MATH 220: Calc for Business & Mgmt (req) (M) - 4
ECON 160 (req) -4
RHET 246 (O) - 1

Does anyone know how heavy the course loads for these classes are? Especially the required ones.
Also, I decided to take it in the fall since it’s supposed to help prepare me for oral presentations throughout college I just want to know how manageable the workload is to determine hwther or not to move rhet to spring. I’m not the best at those. Overall, do you think this is an okay first semester schedule?
Thank You

Hi, AtheShopaholic -

I am a current sophomore in SOM. I do not think that 17 is too much - I took 16 my first semester without any real issues, as did most of my friends within SOM. CQS III and MGMT III are both easy classes - they may take some effort, especially if you are not used to Excel, but neither of them is especially time-consuming. I did not personally take ECON 160 at Bing, but I do not know anyone who had a ridiculous time with it - Kenny is supposedly the easiest professor for the class. I also did not take MATH 220 at Bing, but I have several friends who did and I have not heard good things about it. This more depends on whether you want to just get it out of the way or wait to get more “in the groove” of being at college before you commit to a more frustrating class.

As for LING 380E and RHET 246, I can’t offer personal experience. However, I highly recommend WRIT 111 for the C elective - you can only take this class freshman year, so don’t put it off.

Best of luck, and welcome to Bing!


Hi I applied EA to Bing and I’m anxious to know my chances of getting accepted!! I have a 4.0 unweighted gpa (107.35 weighted percent grade), 1800 SAT, and do A LOT of extracurricular activities! Is there anyone who is currently in SOM and had similiar grades as me when you applied?! Thank you!

@theaccountant Hi I applied to Bing and I’m anxiously waiting for my letter! I was wondering what your grades were when you got in? SAT and gpa if you don’t mind! Thanks!!