Ask Binghamton SOM Student Anything

Ask Binghamton SOM student anything. Please don’t be shy!

MODERATOR’S NOTE: Anyone is free to ask or answer questions in this thread.

I’m in Harpur for EOP but could I transfer to SOM?

Yeah - I know a bunch of people who transferred from Harpur

How are the internship opportunities for finance people? And how are the professors in general?

In terms of internships for finance…they definitely exist except they aren’t as common as accounting. The Big 4 all look for finance majors for their advisory practice. I know some people who got corporate finance internships at Fortune 500 companies. In terms of investment banking and other front office roles, this year’s senior class had the highest number of front office internships in bing history. The opportunities are there but you will definitely have to work harder for them. I’ve only taken one finance class but will take more next semester. My professor was really good… Definitely more challenging than the other SOM classes

@ilovedogs521 great insight man really appreciate it

I’m right now stuck between Bing SOM and a guaranteed transfer option to Cornell. I’m not sure if I should give Bing a try for my first year, or just go to a community college to save money. Thing is, I’m interested in business while my major at Cornell isn’t mainly focused on that…Would you say it’s difficult to maintain a GPA over 3.3? Thanks!

There are actually a lot of students who come to Bing with the Cornell guaranteed transfer. I know a lot of people who had it… some transferred and some stayed. Some of my friends came to Bing with the mindset of transferring after the year but ultimately decided not to. If you decide to transfer to Cornell, Bing will most likely prepare you for the workload more than community college but it is more expensive. I think AEM is Cornell’s business undergrad program? Do you want to do something with business or something that one of Cornell’s more specialized programs will help you with? It is definitely not difficult to maintain a GPA over 3.3… You will 100% be fine with that unless you really do not put in any effort. Let me know if you have more questions.

I agree. A 3.3 average would not be at all hard to maintain at Binghamton.

I lovedogs, just to play devils advocate. What is the real difference between BU and Albany or Buffalo school of business? I know folks who go to Albany, and that is an excellent business school. Especially for accounting. As far as investment banking is concerned, I think the IVY’S have that market locked up for the most part. I am not saying that you need to go to an ivy for IB, but that is what the big firms look for.

Again, just curious what your thoughts are of the other business schools like Albany etc. I see that they have the big 4 up there all the time as well. That said, eventhought UB may be a bit more prestigious than Albany or Buffalo, does it really matter if you get a 3.5 or so at Albany? Lets be honest, auditing is auditing, and intermediate is intermediate. It is basically the same curriculum so if the big 4 go to all of the suny universities, does it really matter where you go for Accounting specifically?? If you get a 3.0 or a 2.8 at Binghamton SOM, no big 4 is going to really look at you. (for the most part). However, if you get a 3.5 in Albany or BUFF, you will get some offers for an internship at a big 4 assuming you can interview. So it seems to me at the end of the day, it is more important how one does gpa wise than if they are the number 1 2 or 3 feeder school??

Albany and Buffalo may not be the number 1 feeder schools for the big 4, however, the big 4 are always up there as well, so what is the big deal if it is the number 1 or number 3 feeder school? If you have a good gpa and the big 4 go up to Albany or Buffalo as well, that is all that matters correct?

I think SOM is an excellent school, I just wanted to know what the real difference was between SOM and Albany? Thanks

@euve69 you bring up a good point and I agree with a lot of what you said. Honestly, I can’t comment on Albany or Buffalo’s business schools. I didn’t consider them. You do not need to go to Ivy for IB; however, no doubt it does help. I am sure the big banks recruit there constantly just like how the Big 4 is always at Bing. However, I truly do believe that if you work hard enough at Bing and take advantage of the opportunities… you can land a job at a bank.

Back to my thoughts on Albany and Buffalo, again I do not really know much about them. The Big 4 is constantly recruiting at Bing. We are their number one feeder school. You bring up a good point about “audit is audit.” I am not sure how much the Big 4 are on campus at Albany and Buffalo. I am assuming (I could be wrong) that the Big 4 have a strong presence at Albany and Buffalo, but not as great as Bing. I agree with what you said about the GPAs. The 2.8 kid at Bing is not getting a job with the Big 4. But with a higher GPA at Albany or Buffalo, he or she would. You just want to go somewhere where you will be able to have a high GPA and where the Big 4 has a strong presence. I really do think Bing SOM is a great school, but if you can stick out at Albany or Buffalo with a higher GPA… you are probably better off.

Articles and ranks: If you are looking for information about feeder schools, this link might be of interest although its focus is Wall Street only:

Overall placement of undergrads-best schools:

Also this:

Is it possible to double major in Som, and if so, is it difficult and rare to find people doing so and still graduating in 4 years?

One more link about feeder schools:

@jzhao80 yeah - a lot of people do it. If you want to do finance and accounting, I think you need a 3.7 or they won’t let you

I’ve asked this elsewhere? Are there any Binghamton MIS students out here? Is it worth going there for this or should I look elsewhere. Been excepted as junior year transfer from the southwest US

Yeah, there is a good number of MIS majors. I honestly do not know a ton about the MIS internship/ job market. A lot of MIS majors also study marketing or accounting or finance.


Hello do you know anything about the Entrepreneur living community in Dickinson.

@Daisox I am sorry… I do not