<p>Hi! Thank you Gibby, but the forms are for high school. I need a fee waiver for transfer purposes. And also, which GPA are schools looking for? My senior year GPA or overall high-school GPA?</p>
<p>Thank you for answering!</p>
<p>Hi! Thank you Gibby, but the forms are for high school. I need a fee waiver for transfer purposes. And also, which GPA are schools looking for? My senior year GPA or overall high-school GPA?</p>
<p>Thank you for answering!</p>
<p>Hi Just2Help, thanks for answering questions! If you don’t mind, I have a few as well…
<p>Thanks so much!
<p>@kyubiness: [FAQs</a> for Application Fee Waiver Form](<a href=“http://www.nacacnet.org/studentinfo/feewaiver/Pages/default.aspx]FAQs”>http://www.nacacnet.org/studentinfo/feewaiver/Pages/default.aspx)</p>
<p>“NACAC recommends that prospective students in these categories (transfer students) contact the admission office of the institution(s) to which they are seeking admission regarding an institutional fee waiver.”</p>
<p>To obtain a fee waiver as a transfer student, you need to contact Harvard Admissions directly. You can email them at: [Harvard</a> College Admissions § Contact Admissions: Transfer Program](<a href=“http://www.admissions.college.harvard.edu/contact/transfer.html]Harvard”>http://www.admissions.college.harvard.edu/contact/transfer.html). The quickest way to get a response though is to call them at: 617-495-1551 (9am-5pm EST Monday-Friday).</p>
<p>Colleges are looking for overall high school GPA, but as you are applying as a transfer student, Harvard will be looking more closely at your college transcript. BTW: You do realize that Harvard accepted just 15 transfer students last year from a pool of over 1500 applicants making their transfer acceptance rate less than 1%.</p>
<p>since Gibby answered the other question, i will answer newsstand1234’s!</p>
<p>Hi Just2Help, thanks for answering questions! If you don’t mind, I have a few as well…</p>
<p>1) does applying early help? Do you need some sort of outstanding awards to have a better shot in the early applicant pool?</p>
<p>Applying early does not help. Some people say it does due to the higher % of acceptance. But be aware of the fact that those who apply early to Harvard are all exceptional top students, legacy students, recruited sports athletes, etc. That is the only reason why the acceptance % is higher than the regular admissions. In the regular admissions, more people send in a “why not” application and many top candidates have already binded or chosen a school from early decision. However, the standards are still the same. The admissions officers look for the same standards whether you apply early or not. </p>
<p>2) what is the “minimum SAT” which one could have to not be “eliminated” in the first round? </p>
<p>I am not so sure about the figure but I heard 2200+ and 2250+ to be safe!</p>
<p>3) If many students from your school are applying early to harvard, does that hurt your individual chances?</p>
<p>No it doesn’t. Harvard doesn’t care. I’ve seen schools that Harvard does favor but I have never heard that there are too many applicants from the same school. I’ve seen 3 kids get accepted in the school before! There are just way too many kids for Harvard to worry about a trivial thing like that, although Harvard does some slight form of area diversification (they pick a lot from their own state).</p>
<p>4) What is harvard looking for in the essays? narrative style with introspection?</p>
<p>They are definitely looking for a decent narrative style but it is not a regular English essay. It is vital to have proper grammar, punctuation, idioms, etc. But what they are looking for is the content.</p>
<p>I do know the odds Gibby. Thank you anyways!</p>