Ask questions about Branksome Hall Canada

I am currently attending Branksome as an eighth grader and will be willing to answer any questions on school life, academics, sports, and clubs for both the junior and middle school. I am new to this website so please overlook that. This a thread in which I will attempt not to sugarcoat the ups and downs of school life but at the same time be completely honest. Ask any questions about the school and I will do my best to answer.

Hi! I am applying to Branksome Hall for 11th grade and I was wondering what the social and academic life is in Branksome. If there are certain cliques, if everyone just hangs out together etc… And for academic life, is Branksome Hall’s academic life grueling? and How is the sports?
Thank you so much!

@laurenbacall In 8th grade the work load is manageable. There are certain periods of time when a test coming up is particularly worrying, but most of the time if our time management is up to par we are fine. I have heard that the IB courses in Diploma 1 and 2 (Grades 11 and 12) are very challenging, however. In my grade we definitely have cliques, but most people that are part of a clique have many close friends that are in other cliques and most people get along with everyone else. Branksome is a very sports-driven school and we have many sports to pick from, including rowing, soccer, etc. Sorry this is so late! I hope this information is still useful.

@xxluminescence Thank you so much! Ive been accepted to Branksome Hall, but I am still deciding if I want to go… Is the teaching very well rounded? Or is the Humanities stronger than the Sciences or the other way? What would you say is the main factors that would influence someone to attend Branksome?

I’m so sorry for all the questions! Thank you!