<p>I received my scholarship from Sewanee: The University of the South. They offered me 10,000 dollars, which is substantial but not enough to cover even close to the cost. (45,000) And to top it all off, my EFC is 99999 because my father owns a business. </p>
<p>I was wondering if there was anyone here who had any tips on how to ask for more money. I know they are flexible and there is definitely money to give.</p>
<p>Has anyone had any success with the asking process? If so, how much, from where, how'd you do it?</p>
<p>you would have to contact the school. But seriously, your EFC is at least 2X the cost of the school. How much more would make this school feasible? I wouldn’t expect them to give you a lot more because your EFC is so high.</p>
<p>Your EFC is 2x what the average person makes in a years. Your family either has a very high income or alot of assets</p>
<p>Is the business your father owns a “small business”? If under 100 employees, you shouldn’t include that info on FAFSA. And since your college is a FAFSA only school, that can make a huge difference.</p>
<p>Check your numbers.</p>
<p>Is the business your father owns a “small business”? If under 100 employees, you shouldn’t include that info on FAFSA. And since your college is a FAFSA only school, that can make a huge difference.</p>
<p>Check your numbers.</p>
<p>If this EFC is accurate, it is very unlikely that they will give you more money. In fact, it sounds like what they gave you was a merit award. You certainly can call them and ask about additional merit money. BUT don’t be surprised if there isn’t more to be offered. Your EFC will not net you need based aid (but you know that).</p>
<p>Thanks guys,
I know I will not receive any need-based aid.</p>
<p>I was asking about how to ask for more Merit aid. So the questions above were strictly for MERIT aid.</p>
<p>Sewanee’s notorious for being tight-fisted. I just got an acceptance, told people, and was deluged by finaid horror stories… since I live in Tennessee and am Episcopalian Sewanee’s pretty well known among people I know. </p>
<p>Your best bet is probably 3rd party scholarships at this point. There are quite a few whose deadlines haven’t already passed.</p>
<p>Just an update… I got an email today inviting me to attend Merit Weekend for scholarships over 12,000 dollars at Sewanee… So it seems that my email and subsequent phone calls worked.</p>