Aspiring Fiction author. Is this a good major?

<p>I was thinking about doing blogging or writing for [url=<a href=""&gt;];/a> - America's Only Humor & Video Site Since 1958 |<a href="150$%20per%20article">/url</a> until my writing kicks in.</p>

<p>What say you?</p>

<p>If you have the time and the talent, why not? But I wouldn’t consider it a major ;D</p>

<p>Didn’t yo momma say that’s not a real job? Ha…</p>

<p>But seriously, do you really need a degree to teach you to write? If you have the skill, you have it. I would call writing more of a hobby. If it eventually grows and you start making good money off it, then great. </p>

<p>But for the purpose of financial stability, major in something more practical and worthwhile.</p>