ASU or UMass for Business

Hi guys, I have gotten admits from both UMass Amherst and ASU. Can someone please guide me as to which of these universities would be better for a business degree, that is, the Isenberg school at UMass or W.P.Carey school at ASU?

Do you want to settle down on the west coast or east coast, eventually?

Well, I have not decided that yet.

I do want to get into one of the top universities like Stanford, Harvard, etc. for my masters though.

UMass is probably better on the margin.

Okay, but can you please tell me why? Like a bit in detail?

Maybe it is name familiarity for me :-). We hear of UMass Amherst a lot more in the north east.

I disagree here. They are equivalent. One warm. One cold.

They each have strengths. ASU is tops in the country for supply chain as an example. And is strong in MIS, accounting, international business and more. I’m sure UMASS has strength too. Their dining hall food is renowned btw.

Here’s the thing - you want to get a Stanford or Harvard MBA. Who doesn’t ? :slight_smile:

You can go to any school. It could be UMASS Lowell and not UMass. Northern Arizona and not Arizona State.

Your work experience and GMAT will be what gets you in plus a fine undergraduate record. But you will need to work 2-5 years before any decent b school will look at you.

I included a list of the 250+ undergrad at Harvard. Ohio Northern anyone ? St Joes ? U of Arizona ? UMASS? Arizona State? All on the list.

This is a weather, affordability and fit question. Where you want to get to should have zero bearing on where you attend. If you are interested in supply chain though, ASU is the Mecca and when I was there had more jobs than grads. I had one elective and FedEx offered me a position.

Good luck.


Oh thank you so much!

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