At risk for losing admission to VT need advice

<p>Local Virginia CC student. Currently finishing up my second semester as a freshman but I'm at risk for failing a class. My other grades are good, but I don't think I have any possibility of passing my Linear Algebra class.</p>

<p>I applied and was accepted for engineering at tech, but now I think I may not be able to attend at all. I don't know what I should be doing. I don't want to make excuses or whine so I'll keep it vague. Teacher is very old school, doesn't reply to emails, gets upset easily, and only has 4 grades; 3 tests and a final. On top of that he was out for the first bit of the semester so he wasn't even there for the first test (replacement teacher was worse) regardless I got a 35 on my first test. Following the first test 10/16 people dropped immediately. I didn't want to lose my money so I stuck around. I thought I was ready for the second test but unless he does some type of curve I don't think I'll score higher than a 50.</p>

<p>So this second test (which was really the first written by the actual teacher that he prepared us for) happened after the final withdraw date. I'm pretty sure even if I got an 100 on the 3rd test and final I might still not be able to pass.</p>

<p>Chances that the teacher will work with me are slim to none, but I'll try asking to see if he can offer any extra credit or something.</p>

<p>What else should I be doing? Should I be notifying tech asap or should I hold out to see if I can get something else worked out? I could possibly write and explain the situation and offer to retake it over the summer.</p>

<p>I don't want to take the complain route but a friend advised me to go in and raise hell with student affairs. There is a lot more that my classmates are angry about.</p>

<p>Any advice is appreciated. Sorry for this mess of a post. I'm stressed and upset, I may have just lost my college admission over a test I went into feeling prepared.</p>

<p>Email an admissions officer immediately and tell them about how you are at risk of failing an important class (MATH). You should not have anything to worry about because you can still retake it in the summer, mention that you will retake the class in the summer. I know a friend who received a D for science. She contacted an officer and she was able to retake it in the summer.</p>

<p>I think I’m going to try to contact them Monday. Can I just find any admission officer’s email? Or do I have one assigned to me?</p>

<p>Thank you for the advice</p>

<p>This is the email: <a href=“”></a>.</p>

<p>Hope everything works out!</p>