<p>My #2 kid is a recruited athlete in the U.S., but is interested in McGill, and I applaud the decision. I'm curious to know what it is like to be a recruit at McGill and eventually a student/athlete there. Is admissions preference given to recruited athletes like it is at most US schools? Are there scholarships of any kind? What is the practice workload like at McGill vs. US schools? Any feedback will be appreciated.</p>
<p>Canadian schools aren’t huge into recruiting…usually most of McGill’s decisions are made simply on academics. They like to see a stellar transcript. I’m not sure about the specifics though…I’d try looking up athletic recruitment on their admissions page somewhere…I know they have a little blurb about awards for athletes in the scholarship section. [Undergraduate</a> Entrance Scholarship](<a href=“http://www.mcgill.ca/studentaid/scholarships/entrancescholarship/]Undergraduate”>http://www.mcgill.ca/studentaid/scholarships/entrancescholarship/)</p>