<p>I have noticed that quite a few people on this forum, me included, are taking and self-studying the AP micro exam this year. So I was wondering if you guys wanted to start a chat room for review. If anybody is interested, post or drop me a PM with your AIM sn and if you want preffered times (for chat)</p>
<p>bumpy bump..</p>
<p>I'm interested, I pm'ed you my sn.</p>
<p>bump guys, so far we have like three people, anybody else?</p>
<p>bump guys bump, we have around 4 now anybody else?</p>
<p>Bump again, decent amount now, still need more though...</p>
<p>I am in the same boat :-(</p>
<p>^Alright so whats your ScreenName lol</p>
<p>I'm self-studying both AP Econs but I rarely go on AIM.
Any MSN-ers hereee??</p>
<p>^Haha no man unfortunately, its AIM based, Just go on AIM for this week im pretty sure it wont hurt.. Or i would recommend Meebo.com you could go on both AIM and MSN at the same time, its pretty sick</p>
<p>Yeah, that might work also. But I still don't know how to work things out in AIM (joining chatrooms and all that) so mm if anyone wants to add me, feel free to: mrclassicfreak</p>
<p>bump, we need more people guys..</p>
<p>here is my aim: blynnberri</p>
<p>what i can do, is get a bunch of people from my school to join i, xylem, because literally no one at Jupiter High School knows what they are doing thanks to the only teacher that teaches it.</p>
<p>add me (same sn as my username) and pm me chat times here please</p>
<p>my sn is imdal33t1 </p>
<p>Also can u post here so i know u got it, cause im not gonna be on aim due to AP studying</p>
<p>K collegeaddiction and Justin I got your Sns and also the guys before that, Just be on on the weekend preferably saturday cause thats probably when all the stuff is going to happen.</p>
<p>bump anybody else?</p>
<p>Yeah me too</p>