Auburn vs Bama Engineering

<p>Thank You – I hardly consider myself a ■■■■■ either, as I had and have a continued interest in UA (I have a high school junior DS who is eligible for a big scholarship at UA and is looking at this school). I would caution that if a poster criticizes a school (directly, or indirectly – a suggested slight is still what it is, a knock on another school), you invite people to question the post. This is human nature. By trashing another university, a commenter also undermines their attempts to share the positive aspects of the institution they’re endorsing. I also understand that there is a somewhat territorial nature in these threads, (I have been reminded quite frequently by past commenters on this board.) However, occasionally looking at another thread isn’t a crime. I certainly wouldn’t attempt to chase away an earnest commenter from any board, anytime, anywhere.</p>

<p>Another plus. </p>

<p>Bama has better merit scholarships for OOS with high stats. At bama you only need an ACT 32 or 1400 sat to get free tuition. </p>

<p>And if you major in engineering you only need an ACT 30 or SAT 1330 for free tuition. Plus you get 2500 per year.</p>

<p>i always find it strange, that one of the hardest majors gives you a full tuition for a lower act score?? why not still a 32? or is that a way to make their engineering program grow a little faster?</p>


<p>What does uab give for an ACT 30 or even lower? Don’t they give a lot?</p>

<p>Anyway. Its the engineering dept at bama that has the money to give more. That’s why that major gets more.</p>

<p>Furthermore. It would be hard to argue that someone with an act 30. 96th percentile isn’t smart enough to do well in engineering.</p>


<p>I stand corrected. :slight_smile: Maybe I should reword that to “Out of the D2 schools that tried to recruit him for football, none of them had a good engineering program”.</p>

<p>i was not asking about uab…i was asking specifically about ua (*as you asked) Uab gives scholarships as you are well aware …but it is the same act score for each scholarship, not by major as far as i know. it was just a question no need to get defensive… i know ua is trying to expand its engineering program, just wondered if that was part of its plan to expand. I also wasnt questioning the strength of a 30 act overall…again just a question.It may well be a very good plan so as to compete with other schools in the state.</p>

<p>Bama gives the same by score. But like many schools, certain depts give extra scholarships. I think uab does this too. My friends d got an extra scholarship at uab from her dept. Common practice.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone for your input. Didn’t mean to start a war. Everyone has given such great information regarding why they chose UA over AU.</p>

<p>Mom2: “BYW…It would probably be better if posters didn’t title their threads aaking about one school vs another. It just invites trouble. Instead, please just ask what a particular school offers.”</p>

<p>I didn’t mean to invite trouble. I just assumed that many people who chose Alabama or Auburn probably looked at both schools and could give me good reasons why they chose one vs the other. I posted the same question on the Auburn thread to get that point of view as well. </p>

<p>To everyone: I’m from Denver and obviously didn’t realize how big the rivalry is between the two schools. :slight_smile: We don’t have strong rivalries like that in Colorado so I didn’t think it would cause such controversy. I appreciate your point of view and quite frankly I need the point of view of people who are familiar with both schools. I want to make the most informed decision I can with what I have available.</p>

<p>As far as the visits go, we only have a limited time due to our schedules, my son’s schoolwork, my son’s sports seasons, and making time to visit the other schools he was admitted to. Auburn doesn’t offer Saturday tours. Alabama held a very impressive recruiting event in Denver which catapulted it to near the top of my son’s list. We know much more about Bama than we do Auburn (who didn’t hold a recruiting event in Denver). the President of UA spoke at the event along with current students and parents from Colorado. The event focused on what can’t be found online or in brochures and it made me feel truly comfortable with UA as a whole. I’m looking forward to visiting Tuscaloosa and seeing the campus in person.</p>

<p>Please contact Allison to see if she can do something for a Saturday. A Saturday visit will not likely be as thorough as a school day, so please keep that in mind when comparing. It will be unfortunate if you won’t get a proper feel for bama on a Saturday. </p>

<p>We can help advise you for hotels and restaurants. </p>

<p>When do you arrive in tuscaloosa and will you be there til Sunday.</p>

<p>Raider, for many it truly comes down to where the student feels most comfortable. Both schools are top notch :)</p>

<p>When my daughter began the college search, we fully expected her to attend Auburn as on paper it seemed like the better fit. She had also visited during a spring War Eagle Day and thought the campus was pretty with the huge blooming azaleas. The following summer she spent a week on campus to participate in their architecture camp. She felt the dorms & campus were okay, the food was horrible (there was only one location they could dine) and the professors were “good, but distant”. During the application process, she felt like they could care less that she was applying there. Friends who sons and daughters applied at the same time did not experience this, but they really dropped the ball when it came to my Daughter. </p>

<p>She fell in love with UA because of the professors and administration. Every person she came into contact with made her feel like so much more than just another UA applicant. And that concern/caring hasn’t ended! She has very much enjoyed every professor she has contact with, each giving her an impression that they very much care about their students. This is why she chose UA.</p>

<p>Mom2: I’ll definitely contact Allison. It would be great if she could put something together. One of the parents at the recruiting events was describing the new Engineering building as beautiful! She said the minute they got to campus, they knew this was the right school. If the people on campus are even half as inviting as the school officials who came for the recruiting event were, it would speak volumes for the rest of the UA community. </p>

<p>We are staying at the Hilton Garden Inn. We are driving from Auburn on Friday after our morning tour and lunch and expect to get in to Tuscaloosa before the sun goes down. Our tour is at 8:30 Saturday morning and our flight leaves in the 3 o’clock hour. The bad thing about Birmingham is there are limited direct flights out of Denver so we didn’t have much of a choice on flight times. I wish we could stay until Sunday, but honestly, I have a 1 year old and a chronically ill 4 year old and I’m not sure my husband can last more than 3 days without me. :-)</p>

<p>As far as restaurants… any suggestions would be WONDERFUL!! That’s the best part about going out of town! Also, realistically, how far is the Hilton Garden Inn from campus? You can only trust the websites so much.</p>

<p>I’m not M2CK, but you will only be about 10 minutes from campus at the Hilton (good choice). Since you will likely be in a rush, I would suggest Dreamland (just across the bridge) for barbecue or maybe Baumhowers for variety. If you want to eat on the quad and want an opportunity to meet students on the strip, try Hungry Howies for pizza and eat on the quad. Mugshots is also popular downtown. There are lots of great places to eat, just trying to think of something that won’t take much time.</p>

<p>Best of luck to you in selecting the right fit for you.</p>

<p>BamaMomof3’s post regarding the professors and administration reminded me of a recent email from my son who is a freshman from NC at 'Bama on scholarship:</p>



<p>I’m sure other professors at other colleges make special efforts for their students, but, this touched me and made me happy my son is in Tuscaloosa!</p>

<p>I have a hotel question since I need to book one soon for our visit. Two options are the Hilton Garden Inn or the Country Inn and Suites. Which would be better? How far is the Country Inn? </p>

<p>Also, how far in advance should we email Allison? We are visiting in early April.</p>

<p>Hilton will be just slightly closer but I think is nicer. We have visited both when we were in town because I really like to know what I am booking in advance as far as cleanliness. It is a straight shot, but Country Inn is close to McFarland/Skyland area and wouldn’t take but a few minutes longer. You should be fine either way so feel safe taking the best rate.</p>

<p>Husband says you’ll be off at Hilton. He was the one who checked out the rooms for us. Just wanted to amend the rec.</p>

<p>Bamagirls, let me just clarify- your husband thinks we’ll be better off at Hilton?</p>

<p>Linnylu, we stayed at the Courtyard right next to the Hilton Garden Inn. The Courtyard was nice. The HGI looked nice as well. I’d say we were about 10 minutes from campus.</p>

<p>" to get in to Tuscalo before the sun goes down. Our tour is at 8:30 Saturday morning and ou flight leaves in the 3 o’clock hour. "</p>

<p>Ok. </p>

<p>So, after arrival, I would head to the campus area - pretty at nite - and either eat on The Strip (maybe Bento) or Downtown (maybe DePalma or Mugshots) then drive by RiverWalk. And maybe visit Midtown Village (gigis cupcakes or yogurt mountain)</p>

<p>Since Saturday will be tight - tour plus - and it sounds like u need to leave by noon you won’t have much time then to see the area then.</p>

<p>Contact allison and see what she can schedule between about 10 and noon.</p>

<p>Can I just say how glad I am that I started this thread? You guys are just wonderful from giving different UA perspectives right down to where to stay, who to contact, and what to eat! It makes me feel so much better that UA is one of his top 3 choices and reinforces why we are visiting. I’m writing down all these yummy sounding places. </p>

<p>I never thought about visiting the campus at night since we are from out of state and didn’t want to be out too late. But all the recommendations made me realize that it’s very important that we feel safe out at night in a strange place. LOL! Can’t believe I overlooked that one!</p>