Auburn vs Bama Engineering

<p>* What is the dress code at DePalma’s?*</p>

<p>Anything goes…seriously. this is a college town and students show up at these places wearing whatever. However, it can be a “date place” so some may be dressed nicer.</p>

<p>Be sure to ask what their specials are. I can’t remember what special I had the last time I was there, but I remember is was awesome!</p>

<p>I do love most of their dishes…However, I’m not fond of their sausage dishes…just my own opinion…others may like them. I just think the sausage is too salty.</p>

<p>raider, I think from what you describe of your town, you will feel very comfortable and at home in Tuscaloosa and at UA.</p>

<p>Thanks feenotype. That’s really relieving to hear!</p>

<p>Anyone have any idea what weather to expect next Thursday? We’re expected to get 14 inches of snow in the next 24 hours and I’m assuming I won’t have to deal with that in Alabama? LOL.</p>

<p>How did your visit go, raider?</p>

<p>Who’s Definitely Enrolling? </p>


<p>"We visited Auburn and UA last weekend and Auburn blew Bama out of the water! My son was accepted to 5 schools and he fell in love with Auburn. We just paid our enrollment deposit. So who else is going, hometown, and major?</p>

<p>We’re from Denver and my son is majoring in aerospace engineering.</p>

<p>War Eagle!"</p>

<p>What a polite post…must be from an Auburn parent.</p>


<p>I hope that the many, many families that choose Bama over Auburn don’t feel the need to post that way. A simple, "the child is going to go to XXX ", would have sufficed.</p>

<p>Roll Tide…everyone can’t have good manners.</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Actually the title above explains who posted it. Raider posted it and I copied and pasted in response to the question about how Raider’s visits went. I am not an Auburn parent. I am not even a parent of a senior. We will be keeping our options open. That is one person’s opinion and they are entitled to it. UA is a fine school and I’m certain many people see it that way.</p>

<p>I would not make the assumption that InvolvedmomFL is an Auburn parent. </p>

<p>I do agree that the answer could have been conveyed with much more tact.</p>

<p>kmwjes- it is Raider’s post on the AU board.</p>

<p>A simple post that the student is going to Auburn would have sufficed. </p>

<p>If Raider had wanted her post to be on Bama’s board - as written - she would have posted it. however, I think if she had posted here, she would have simply stated that Auburn was a better fit for their child. Nice and polite. She probably would be embarrassed to know that her post was copied/pasted here since she had been warmly helped here when she needed help.</p>

<p>I certainly hope that those who chose Bama and strongly state so on this Bama board don’t have others copy/pasting those words on another school’s board…it’s just bad form.</p>


<p>I realized that post was copied. I’m not shooting the messenger, just can’t let an AU battle cry go unanswered by a Roll Tide here. It wasn’t intended at you. I had answered feenotype’s message this morning with a PM. No hard feelings here, but I wouldn’t recommended copying someone’s post from another board.</p>

<p>InvolvedmomFL, </p>

<p>I did know that you copied and pasted from Raider’s post. I just wanted it clear that this was not an Auburn poster’s “conspiracy” as insinuated by the following post. No hard feelings, either!!!</p>

<p>Just to be clear…</p>

<p>I did know that the post had been copy/pasted. I was wrong to think that an Auburn parent posted it here…frankly, I can’t imagine anyone else doing so, but I guess I was wrong. I would have thought that just a casual reader of both forums would have just stated that the student would be going to Auburn without the tactless copy/paste. If I had been interviewing potential employees and I later asked where someone ended up working, I would expect someone else just to say, “oh, they decided to work for XXXX” and not quote some words that were impollte.</p>

<p>Just another reason why these threads pitting schools against each other are not a good idea. In my opinion, it would be better just to post a “Why (this school)” on each board independently. Posters on the boards can only provide the information on their school, the choice is a personal one for each student and no one school is a fit for everyone. I don’t take it personally if someone chooses another school. We chose The University of Alabama…Roll Tide…I’m happy with that!</p>

<p>^^^^^What she said! Thank you!</p>

<p>“Posters on the boards can only provide the information on their school, the choice is a personal one for each student and no one school is a fit for everyone. I don’t take it personally if someone chooses another school.” </p>

<p>I saw that someone was asking about the OP’s son and I had just seen her posting on the AU board. I am a University of Miami graduate, D1 is a Florida State grad, and D3 speaks of Univ. of FL as a possibility. However, during football games it is each man (or girl) in her corner and wearing the school colors proudly. During a discussion of how or why people make personal choices about which school to attend I find it silly to be so defensive.</p>

<p>ROLLLLLLLLLL TIDE ROLLLLLLLLLL!!! I was on campus yesterday! The engineering buildings are brand new, and some of them aren’t completely finished yet. SO EVERYTHINGS NEW!</p>

<p>I apologize. I did not intend to cause another flare up - I was simply curious and wished to follow up. I guess I should have been more smart and gone to the Auburn board first, but I don’t really go to any other CC board but this one.</p>

<p>bamagirls, thanks for the PM. I tried to thank you, but you either block incoming PMs or have a full inbox.</p>

<p>You’re welcome feenotype. I was curious of how the visits went also, especially after all of the hoopla in prior days, so I viewed the other board. When I saw some of the posts, I decided to PM you of his decision. I’ve fixed my inbox problem too.</p>

<p>InvolvedmomFL: I think the defensiveness is about copy/pasting others comments including their screen name. I certainly hope that when I post in one forum it does not get copied to other forums, that is simply bad form. </p>

<p>It is important to remember that although this is a public forum, we try to keep it civil. I have great pride in my sons’s school but I don’t want to denigrate any other school, so I would not want my “proud UA statements” being copied elsewhere where they can be misconstrued.</p>

<p>That is what many are saying: simply put, keep posters comments where they belong.</p>