Average Faculty Salaries for Professors are highest in Florida.

<p>The Chronicle of Higher Education article just came out listing average faculty salaries for professors. Univeristy of Miami had the highest average faculty salaries for professors at $131,000,which was ahead of all schools in Florida and among the top 3% of the country. In fact, Miami, paid more for faculty than other more well known places like Brandeis, University of Texas and even most big state universities and more than many well- known LACs etc. Miami also pays substantially more than places like Boston College and Boston University. In fact, they place among the top 42 institutions in the US for average faculty salaries ,which is very close to that of Carnegie Mellon.</p>

<p>Second highest in Florida was University of Florida. Most schools had averages below $100,000. The implication is that Miami probably gets more well-known faculty.</p>

<p>So if you are wondering what you are getting for your money, I guess top pay for top faculty.</p>

<p>They're all taking pay cuts I believe. If not a pay cut, no increase in salary. Can't complain that I know my professors will be willing to sacrifice to make the school still somewhat affordable.</p>

<p>Yes, pay cuts will occur everywhere. However, based on December 2008 numbers, Univeristy of Miami was among the highest paying institutions in the US. I think this is what garnered their increasingly high ranking over the years.</p>

<p>Oh, I'm not arguing! I totally agree. I'm just mentioning that the professors probably aren't ones only interested in that money.</p>

<p>when i was looking at the biology course offerings for fall 2009, I noticed that the number of courses offered are significantly less than what was offered this spring semester. A lot of the courses in my major (neurobio.) were cut from this fall semester. Is this due to the budget cuts or is it normal for the fall semester in bio.?</p>

<p>Certain courses are only offered in the Fall semester, other courses are only offered in the Spring. There has just been a freeze on hiring new professors but we have still maintained all of the professors who are already here. I wouldn't worry about there being enough courses to take. I just registered for courses for next semester and there were too many that I wanted to take.</p>