AXS Companion - a Free Common App Resource

The AXS companion is a free common app resource for students (and parents), especially helpful for those students who don’t have access to adequate counseling, or an adult helping guide them through the application process.

From the website:

The AXS Companion is a free, open online resource designed by professional consultants to be used side-by-side with Common App as you work through your application. Each section includes explanatory videos, helpful tips, a glossary of application terms, and links to resources mentioned in the videos.

The AXS Companion is a collaboration of the Independent Educational Consultants Association (IECA) and Oregon State University Ecampus, with the goal of helping you navigate and apply to a wider selection of colleges and universities. (mwfan: Even though Oregon State is hosting this resource, one does not have to be applying to Oregon State. Jon Boeckenstedt, VP of Enrollment at Oregon State was instrumental in creating this resource, along with professional counselors).

I have looked at some of the materials, and they are very helpful. Please share this resource with any students/parents who may benefit from this tool.


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