<p>So I've been applying to some colleges and I'd say my top three are Northeastern, Drexel, and SCAD. Now SCAD offers an M.Arch in 5 years, while Drexel offers a B.Arch in 6 years (a 2 + 4 Option where I take two full years, then work fulltime for 4 while going to school part time), and Northeastern offers a B.Arch with co-op opportunities. I'm just wondering, what are the advantages to getting an M.Arch over a B.Arch (if there are any)?</p>
<p>I've heard mixed reviews, like that there is no real advantage. I've been doing a lot of research but have been coming up with little help. So does anyone know what the differences between a B.Arch and an M.Arch are?</p>