BA in Chemistry

<p>And I am not sure what evidence you are using for making these assertions. The vast majority of evidence would disagree with your assumptions about pharmaceuticals and pharmacists.</p>

<p>I didn’t make any assertions about pharmacy other than speculation that with the increased number of graduates getting churned out and the possibility for automation of many of the job functions of a pharmacist that there might be employment issues in the future. Right now Pharmacists can get jobs but many of the desirable jobs in the big cities are taken so graduates might have to move out into the shticks to get a job in places like rural Kansas.</p>

<p>As for employment with pharmaceuticals companies it has been well reported that the last 5-10 years have been a bloodbath of layoffs, off shoring, outsourcing, H1-bing that has severely hurt the job prospects of scientists in the USA.</p>