Bacc2MD University Of Toledo

I heard that University of Toledo started Bacc2MD program is not a real one. There is only 10% of the students will be selected to MedSchool. Does anyone know more about this program?

I think the Bacc2MD is the early acceptance program. For 2017 cycle, 10 students entered the program, 7 interviewed and 6 got accepted to MD school. 2018, 22 are in the program, 13 go for the interview. The result has not come back yet.

@bsmdseekerskg I asked the school.

My DD is admitted to UToledo Bac2Md program. Is there anyone out there who also got in to the program?

I know that the acceptance notices for a seat in the medical school through this program (matriculating August 2020) went out yesterday. Does anyone know of the 13 that interviewed how many were accepted?


Can you please share your daughters credentials if you don’t mind. I am looking for my son to apply next year.

Are there any current undegrad or med students from BACC2MED program who can give more details about their experience in the program and how hard it is to get accepted to medical school from this program?

@Westerngirl I can’t answer your undergrad question but if you want my stats, I was just accepted into the program! I’m assuming that the majority of people who get into the program and do well on the interview get into med school. I feel as if most of the chances of getting into the program really depend on whether you kill the interview or not, but that’s just my educated guess, don’t quote me on that!

@collegeappvibes, thank you so much! Was the school willing to connect you to any undergrad/med students?

@Westerngirl Sadly, I didn’t get to meet any other members of the program. Sorry!

Can you please share your creds/stats - my D is out of state - not sure if that matters in this program?


It may useful for others if you can provide more details , not just anannouncement that DD got into UToledo Bac2Md program.

Take this program only if you can’t get into a good school.

Even if you get 4.0 gpa and do research, volunteering etc you won’t get selected.

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really hard.
1% chance of getting into med school.

Very less chance for out of state students.

Are you referring to admission to Toledo medical school from a bachelor’s at another university, or from Toledo Bacc2MD program?

My son has been accepted into this program but is undecided. Is there anyone on this thread who has decided to join this program?

My daughter has been also and leaning towards joining. My concern is about the chances of an out of state, a west coast or a central US student (not from Ohio or neighboring states), getting selected for Medical school thru this program. Does anyone know of such a student who did or have any insight into this?
As per FAQ seems like a 25% selection rate, which is good for med school, but concerned what if one doesn’t get into and how much Toledo degree will help getting med school elsewhere.