Bad grades in freshmen for honors will I get back in honors for sophomore or junior?

Since the quarantine started I’ve started out great at first in freshmen in semester 1 I’ve got A and Bs with occasional Cs but as it lasted since semester two I’ve gotten grades I’ve never had, Ds and Fs with rarely As, I didn’t fail anything since my councilor says my “overall grade” didn’t fail anything. And says she’s be pulling me from honors for next year. Will it be possible for me to get back up from honors next year or maybe junior year? Do any of you know what are the requirements? What type of grades do I have to get? Will this affect my chance into getting into college? How can I improve? Is it possible if I get SUPER good grades for semester one for sophomore and get transferred to honors for semester two?

All schools operate differently, these sound like questions your counselor is best suited to answer.