Bad Proctors

<p>heltahir: lol. :D</p>

<p>"slaves on a ship"- rofl!</p>

<p>heltahir sems to be the winner!</p>

<p>My proctor introduced herself with "This is going to be a 6-8 hour test, we should all get aquanted with each other"</p>

<p>My proctor took like 4.5-5 hours to finish the test... she kept telling us to do all this yoga and stretching in between parts.... we were all like "ok, can we start?"</p>

<p>In addition, she told us that if anyone talked while she was giving instructions, they would be kicked out immediately.</p>

<p>Then once we finished, she told us that we "HAVE to go back and bubble in any blank ones... I've seen lots of tests recently where people forget to bubble in all the choices"</p>

<p>She was just weird, annoying, and way to strict</p>

<p>Wow... o.0 You people really had a lot of bad proctors. My proctors were fine, but didn't give any 5 or 2 minute warnings; just "pencils down" when it was time up. Even so, I finished everything on time, so I've got no complaints.</p>

<p>Once I had a proctor who stated that she wasn't allowed to give verbal warnings, but that she would write 10 minutes, 5 minutes, and 1 minute remaining on the board, and check them off when we got there.</p>

<p>She had very neat handwriting! :D</p>

<p>lol on the contrary to your "bad" procters...I had a good proctor. He was a college dude and he knew how we felt etc etc. Also I realized that the stupider the school you go to for testing...the better chance you have of doing better on the test. I used to go to this one school for the past three times and I did worse then expected and then this time in JUNE I went to this one school where my kaplan class was and I got like 2350 on my practice tests there....and on the real thing I think I did really well too. I think its because I knew that mostly everyone who was going to that school was dumb and most of them don't really care about their grades so kinda makes me feel more confident I guess? lol</p>

<p>do not click on that. its porn + rotten imagery.</p>

<p>lol yeah I had the only math during section 2 in the entire class.</p>