Any Theatre Performance students/parents out there that would care to comment on the viability of having a part time job, either on or off campus while dealing with the demands/rehearsal schedule of a theatre performance major at Fordham U Lincoln Center? Is it do able?
No one has answered, so I’ll pop in. I don’t have a student at Fordham, but some universal experiences for all theatre students is that you will have to schedule work around rehearsals and school work. My son didn’t work at all freshman year, worked odd jobs sophomore year, and now he’s working as a student ambassador occasionally during the school day and as a server/bartender at a club on Friday and Saturday nights. Those jobs only work because his employers are willing to give him the time off for weeks at a time if he’s in the middle of rehearsals for a show, if he has exams, etc. If he’s doing a show with the professional regional theatre here, the rehearsals are 6 hours a night, six days a week for five or six weeks. Some of his friends have worked successfully with early morning hours as a barista, but it all depends on their course load that semester. I think it’s important for theatre students to gain experience with survival jobs, but you also have to make sure that the work you’re paying to do–classes and shows–are your first priority. I can’t imagine that any rigorous school is that different.