Bama gets a Barn!

<p>NJBama -
your “branch bovinians” did not go unnoticed! Well played Sir! RTR!</p>

<p>Whether you agree or disagree with his philosophy, you have to love NJBama’s passion for UA and unwillingness to compromise on his beliefs for the sake of being PC (at least I do). The guy will do anything for you (except like anything Auburn) and is an invaluable contributor to this Board.</p>

<p>I think that in light of what happened to Auburn’s trees by that crazy nut, how Bama responded with donations (I donated), what happened in T-town with the Tornadoes, and how Auburn responded with time and treasure, some of this extreme talk will end - outside of the typical “smack talk” that happens surrounding normal football rivalry…especially as the season and the Iron Bowl approaches.</p>

<p>I certainly hope that the generous efforts by the Auburn folks to relieve the sufferings of the Tornado victims is not lost on those who hold such strong anti-Auburn feelings…</p>

<p>Those of us who live in the state certainly do not dislike Auburn people because to do so would mean disliking many friends, their children, neighbors, co-workers, etc. I guess it’s easier to have such strong hateful feelings if you’re not living here. A person couldn’t truly function or be sane if they did…hence the tree nut.</p>

<p>There you are! Now I know the name. Ha! I figured you’d surface sooner or later. In reality, you’re no more vicious than my D’s godfather in your extreme and irrational love/hate (directed the other way, of course)…who is <em>finally</em> looking at her again when she mentions college. </p>

<p>kmwjes: Has your S dealt with the question of who he will cheer for at the Iron Bowl? It has been interesting to listen to my D articulate her thoughts.At first, she was certain she’d retain her lifelong loyalty. Now I am hearing some things that concern me. She loves clothes and thinks she is going to look really cute in houndstooth …really worries me!</p>

<p>Waddaw: S1 is slowly “morphing” to crimson and white although today I am proud to say he is wearing an Auburn Swimming T that he got at the FINA world championships in 2009(met Rowdy Gaines there!). He did snap up a few Bama and Culverhouse b-school t-shirts at BB so I am pretty confident he is ready to utter the words: ''Roll Tide" --just not in this home :)</p>

<p>Actually we are very proud of his decision to go to Alabama. Auburn was never a serious consideration because of his major (accounting). If he was majoring in engineering than his decision would have been much different.<br>
The reaction from my Auburn friends and family have been that he has chosen a great school!<br>
Know your daughter will love Alabama, especially dressed in houndstooth!!</p>