Bama gets a Barn!

<p>[EDITORIAL:</a> Bama’s barn levels the playing field |](<a href=“]EDITORIAL:”></p>

<p>UA creates minor in natural resources management, and receives donated tractor. Seriously, this article helps explain why some students HAVE to attend Auburn, instead of UA, and how this new minor, might change things. Another must reading for anyone who thinks that Auburn is the mistreated school in the state.</p>

<p>* While the** University of Alabama occupies the role of the city slicker school**, many of its students come from rural backgrounds. Consider the large landowning companies in West Alabama, The Westervelt Co., Jim Walter Resources, Weyerhaeuser and others. They are large, important companies to the West Alabama economy and their employees would benefit from an understanding of how to manage the resources their large, rural landholdings contain.</p>


<p>While it may sound funny to call Bama the “city slicker school”…in some ways it really is. It is much more diverse and cosmopolitan than Auburn or its setting is.</p>

<p>You can put a barn in Alabama, but you can’t take the barn out of Au-Barn.</p>

<p>LOL…good one!</p>

<p>At least T-town won’t ever have that eau de bovine smell.</p>

<p>You know, I love reading this CC site except for one thing…the derogatory remarks about Auburn. I have two degrees from AU and a law degree from UA. I am a huge UA football fan…until they play AU. (Yes, I said “they” since I went to AU first…that is where most of my heart lies.) </p>

<p>My husband went to grad school at UA. He is a huge UA football fan even though originally from Ohio. He pretends to be an AU fan when they aren’t playing UA. We have raised our daughters to respect both schools. We live in Auburn and I teach part-time at AU. My eldest daughter gave up a great scholarshhip at her dream school…Tulane… and many other schools …to go to UA …where she will be moving in a few short weeks. :frowning: I am sad only b/c I will miss her. </p>

<p>Anyway, I am going to need to continue to connect with you guys on here. I need the support…especially M2CK (who has already been incredibly helpful in PMs). I am standing strong all on my own here with most everyone blasting me about her going to UA. You all are going to have to give me some help here…cut me some slack. </p>

<p>Auburn is a fine school. We need land grant institutions…anyone ever get hungry? Agriculture is pretty darn important to this state. Have a pet? Well, you need a vet! And personally, I love the smell of my horses. </p>

<p>Auburn is an incredible town in which to raise your children. Half the size of Tuscaloosa and yet filled with people from all over the world since AU is the major game in town. Agriculture and engineering bring in LOTS of very smart folks from Asia and Africa. Its a great place to live.</p>

<p>Tuscaloosa is too. My husband and I have great memories of law and grad school there. We were sickened by the devastation caused by the tornadoes…as were all of our friends here. Surely you all know that Toomers for Tuscaloosa is an Auburn based program that has raised lots of money/supplies to help with disaster relief…just like Tide for Toomers did when that nutcase poisoned our 100 year old oak trees b/c of a football game.</p>

<p>Anyway, I’m needing some friends on this web site…been ignoring the slights for months now. There are probably some (many?) about UA on AU’s CC pages too…don’t know…haven’t read them at all. I love AU, but my daughter never considered going there/here…it is home. </p>

<p>As I saw on the Toomers For Tuscaloosa FB page right after the tornadoes…
“War Eagle & Roll Tide Roll!”</p>


<p>I was just being silly…not trying to be mean. I have been to Auburn a few times and it is a lovely school.</p>

<p>I do think that the Tide for Toomers and the Toomers for Tuscaloosa efforts have helped soften the rivalry.</p>

<p>^^^ And I’ll add, that understanding that typically NONE of the comments are made out of any true spite or hatred, but rather are made in the spirit of a very intense rivalry, which cannot be denied. I’m quite certain that the comments are similar on the Auburn CC pages in reference to UA … or Mich vs Ohio State and other nationally known school rivalry. I’m not certain that you will truly be able to escape the rhetoric. This admittedly coming from a newbie, since we come from Chicago and will be new to campus this fall (both parents and student). Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Yes, I know most comments are for the sake of humor…which I love. Just felt I needed to come out of the closet since I will be on the site regularly since I’ll be needing more help.<br>
One of my daughter’s best friends is going to U Chicago this fall…she is about to explode with excitement. There’s at least one senior from Auburn High that goes to UChicago every year. Most freeze the first year and then acclimate a bit better the second. However, my priest did tell me yesterday that his son is about to leave Chicago…he went to college at Wm&Mary and then moved to Chicago abt 3 years ago. So he has been in the cold for a while…gave it a good shot…just says he can’t take it anymore. Linda Jackson (Bo’s wife) is an old friend of mine (worked together right after college) and she loves Chicago…cold is unimportant b/c she loves the people. I hope the change to the hotter weather is easier for your son.</p>

<p>One of the most knowledgeable, and helpful posters on here is also the biggest AU hater. So you may have to take the good with the bad.:wink: I must admit I was a little surprised by the strong feelings against Auburn (this particular poster is VERY opinionated) but as I follow him more and more I find him to be hilarious! </p>

<p>I guess take it in stride, and as thestudent said “RELAX” most of us will cut you some slack.</p>

<p>ROLL TIDE!</p>

<p>When we lived in Atlanta, we’d occasionally meet a fellow UA alumnus. Hello, nice to meet you, when were you at UA, OK, bye. Then we’d meet an Auburn grad. Oh yea, well, swapping of AU/UA jokes would ensue, with general hilarity, shaking of hands and a fond farewell. It’s really great to have a rivalry in common.
How did both football teams get to be so good? They both have great opponents.
Plus, our son got his architecture degree at Auburn. Bryant-Denney Stadium had Auburn-grad architects. </p>

<p>Bless their hearts!!!</p>

<p>For those who live in the state like I do, we really find the rivalry to be just a past-time…nothing serious because we all all neighbors, co-workers, church friends, etc. My vet wears Auburn scrubs. One of his employees wears Bama scrubs because her child goes there. My next door neighbor went to Bama, but her D chose Auburn because of her architecture major. </p>

<p>I have to tell you though, a priest we once had at our church went to Bama, and during football season he’d drop a Bama reference here and there in his homily (sermon), and I do know that the Auburn fans did squirm a bit in the pews… but it was all in good humor. We all joked about it over breakfast later. </p>

<p>We all live peacefully here.</p>


<p>I sincerely apologize that my comments have caused offense. I had a funny feeling before I hit the send button on my post and should have used better discretion. In all honesty, I intended my comment as a kidding, friendly, light hearted jab at a sports rival and nothing more. Rivalry, like competition, kept in the right spirit, can be a healthy and galvanizing thing that makes us all better.</p>

<p>I have been to Auburn, toured the school, and had lemonade at Toomers’ Corner. At the time (and now), I thought it was a lovely area and a great place to raise kids. I love rural America and the people that inhabit it. I have nothing but disdain for the person who poisoned the Toomer’s trees, which is a crime against nature and society. I am quite familiar with the Toomers for Tuscaloosa campaign, have visited their Facebook page, and admired their good work when I saw an ESPN feature on them. What a great group of people doing great things.</p>

<p>I know a little about being blasted about sending a child to UA and being sad. My youngest will be your daughter’s classmate in the UA Class of 2015 and we will be empty nesters in a few short weeks. We live in Boston and most (all) people look at us like we are from Mars when we mention UA as our son’s destination. It’s becoming like when your leg is in a cast and they ask you for the umpteenth time, how did you break your leg (“Why did you pick that school?”).</p>

<p>You have a friend here as well as the other CCers. You will find that most references to Auburn are really about the football (sports) rivalry and truly don’t reflect one’s true feelings toward the town, the school, and its people. Speaking for myself, that is certainly the case. Now, for 60 minutes on a given Saturday, I can only hope and cheer that Auburn loses in a total rout…</p>

<p>southlander: I had no idea that AU architects designed Bryant Denney! I am a little surprised there was eoungh trust to let them do it. Must have been the result of the Alabama bid laws that resulted in that contract being let! Your son must be exceptionally talented. It is tough to get into the architecture program! Very competitive ! </p>

<p>No MaBAMA! No offense taken…just been thinking that I would probably become an active poster and want to get to know you all. I haven’t paid much attention to the names of people enough to know who is who, but, like nicollec said, there are from time to time some pretty derogatory (nasty??) things said about AU…not in this thread…just took this as the opportunity to make my debut. You know us southern belles just love the debutante role. (Imagine hearts and flowers and other sweet emoticons here.) My tongue is VERY much in my grinning cheek. </p>

<p>Ha! I can only imagine the reactions you have gotten in Massachusetts. However, it seems to me “my shock” is more credible than “your shock”. I would guess that the disbelief you encounter is likely based, though wrongly so, of course, on the sudden realization that, contrary to what your friends have always assumed, you apparently do <em>not</em> love your children at all. Otherwise, you would not dare ship 'em down to Alabama to be educated. How silly! How ridiculous! At least the shock which I am forced to confront has some validity…some merit…and therfore, much harder to address. After all, I am called upon to defend not my love for my child nor my concern for her future; instead, I must defend my love for football. You think you have it hard? Try that one on!</p>

<p>One of the worst things about being from Alabama…I have to quickly say, “Yes, I do know how to spell ‘therefore’.” I just can’t type very well. If I were from Boston, I’d let it go assuming everyone knew it was a typo!</p>

<p>I think Auburn is a great school as well. I actually like parts of the campus too, a lot. However, it is common knowledge that Auburn grads are convinced that UA gets preferential treatment, despite the fact that AU receives more state funding, and has programs that are not allowed to be duplicated on other campuses in the state, hence my reference. The article is a play on the admittedly elitist nickname for AU, " the Barn". </p>

<p>I completely agree that AU has nothing to be ashamed with for being a land grant school. Actually, UA competed with AU for that designation. If UA could, it would gladly take that designation. Let’s not kid ourselves.</p>

<p>waddaw: No question in my mind that you have it tougher. In our case, they are questioning our sanity. In your case, they are questioning your soul.</p>

auburn hater?</p>

<p>I’d like to buy this guy a drink :-)</p>

<p>Welcome to the board, Waddaw. But just a word of warning. You won’t like me and I’m ok with that. I hate auburn and everything those branch bovinians stand for. I will not apologize for my hate, even as irrational as it may be. </p>

<p>I will however be happy to talk about UA and answer any question about her that I can. I love The University of Alabama and the only battle cry in my vocabulary is Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>Thank you very much waddaw for your post!
I ,too, am an Auburn grad (from LA:Lower Alabama)and I don’t just like Auburn, I love Auburn. But I have always “liked” UA and am liking it even more now that NJ born, S1 will be a freshman there in August. I have felt the same way as you, however, and glad you posted!
S1 grew up with: grandparents who both went to AU, grandfather was President of the Tidewater, Virginia AU club for many years, I was VP of the Metro NYC Auburn Club years ago and enjoyed organizing many SEC socials and football watching parties in Manhattan/other cities where we have moved! S grew up going to AU football games yearly and still loves AU…but it did not have what UA had and that was the whole package for what he wants to major in. UA also continued to impress and exceed his/my/our expectations with every person he met and every event he attended. To date it seems a perfect fit and he can’t wait for AA and August to be here! </p>

<p>We are grateful to so many of CC posters for your invaluable insight but from time to time we have had to skip over the AU slights. Your informative postings related to everything UA and its greatness have been a big part of S1’s ability to make his own decision to attend UA.</p>

<p>While some of us will mention Auburn on occasion, it is all in good fun. I haven’t had an opportunity to visit that campus, but hope to do so in the near future. It is a great school for many people and the rivalry does get people to think about each school and eventually donate to their favorite(s), which benefits students in the form of scholarships and better facilities. </p>

<p>That said, I am not a fan of wearing orange. I had an Auburn shirt for a couple of months, but it did not have any orange on it. :)</p>

<p>I have visited Auburn with my son and it was a contender for a while with the scholarship offers. However, once we stepped on UA’s campus it was LOVE at first sight. Bama has proven to be the “right” place for him and he had a great year.
We were not really football fans until the UA season started and then we jumped in and got involved. Although, I understand the rivalry, I am not that concerned because it seems very good-natured.
You will find plenty to like here at this forum. Since, I am an OOS parent, I do not hold strong opinions about Auburn. Welcome aboard!! I for one liked Auburn and it’s campus and applaud Toomer’s for Tuscaloosa for all that they are doing. I am a big fan and follow it regularly.</p>