Bank of America Student Leaders 2022

I haven’t found a group for this year so here you go!

Can riding Juniors(current sophomores) apply for this?

No, Sorry it is only for current Juniors and Seniors.

Did anyone get any interview invite yet?

anyone applying to nj market?

Has anyone heard anything so far in terms of interviews? I know that someone from the San Francisco apparently got an email asking her to submit a 5 minute video or so, but what about other areas?

I live in LA. A lot of my friends from other states applied and we’ve heard nothing yet. I think it’s just a SF thing

My daughter was emailed two days ago for a phone interview. We are in the NM market.

Has anyone heard anything in the Houston market? I’ve heard nothing.

I got an email in the LA market place asking for a brief phone call to discuss my application…

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Please let us know how did it go. Anyone got a call in NY area?

Had an interview about 3 weeks back in the Atlanta market. Does anyone know when results are supposed to be out?

Did anyone in Bay Area get any notification for an interview?

Can you give some more information on the interview? I have a student who is planning on applying next year. Thanks

i think during the week of 4/10

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Hey it actually wasn’t an interview! During the call she let me know that I got accepted <3
some places don’t have interviews so don’t worry

It was pretty formal. We did it over the phone. She gave some information and told me I was a finalist.

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Thanks. All the best with the program

Anybody here heard anything about Sacramento area market?

anyone hear from San Diego?