Banned from - stay at Col.Con for respect for Harvard!!

<p>I was given 50 infraction points for practically no reason at all on while the 10 people insulting me received no warnings or infractions.</p>

<p>I wrote one person was doing "Ad Hominem and Appeal to Spite against my character" (in reaction to them insulting and misrepresenting me, this same person said I was delusional, a troll, illogical, knew nothing, silly, and on and on for a month) and I was given a 20 point infraction. This was their quote as why I received the infarction was for that sentence and enlarged the text for Harvard and Harvard Public Health University for emphasis. Maybe they do not like Harvard? The large text for an unknown university also referenced to was not reduced.</p>

<p>The person who continuously insulted me went unpunished.</p>

<p>Then more people ganged up on me, though I was supported a stance held by the American Nurses Association, Harvard, John Hopkins University, WHO, OECD, 30 Nursing organizations, and other reputable sources.</p>

<p>This same person dismissed Harvard and said "they were biased on the subject" as if they did not matter. One person who ganged up on me dismissed John Hopkins entirely. Three people insulted me with "chuckle, chuckle" and "you are confused, ect" while I was simply quoting a John Hopkins supported study. I found this to be disrespectful and on this particular thread I told the person who said they did not care about John Hopkins that they were "ignorant and narrow-minded if they would not look at the information published on the issue." This I believe was what lead to it going down-hill. I did not know who this person was, but apparently they have strong ties with the website and it appeared had an issue with me after this. They were labeled as a "guide" and I learned from other posts they are a director of a nursing home supposedly they claim (as if you know if it is the truth). A person laughed at me saying "I laughed so hard I spilled my fresco" and "I was knew and insulting old members does not go over well." This appeared to be a threat. Well it did not go well, this person was out to get me now even though 90 insults were hurled at me for supporting these various reputable sources.</p>

<p>You are not allowed to question healthcare practices on I know that we are #38 in the world in healthcare (WHO) and in the 30's for total life-span OECD. I am very skeptical of Long Term Care facilities as I have heard numerous instances of abuse, they have one person caring for 40 people which is hazardous, the places are disrespectful to the people, and the environment is terrible. It is as bad as hospice (where I've heard is the place people go to die). I made some posts stating in-home healthcare is better and that I had worked in in-home healthcare, seeing the people prefer it as they feel more independent and that is the most like their previous life. This person from that other thread came to this one and started ganging up on me also as well as others who felt no one can criticize any health care facilities, though the thread was about a Dr. Phil nursing home abuse case. They were very angry that I wanted change from institutions to in-home health which I know is a better place for them physically and for their minds. I wrote we spend the least on in-home healthcare compared to many countries, yet are #1 spenders on pharmaceuticals and other areas, that we should respect the elderly more. I said nurses should question other nurses if they see that nurse abusing someone.</p>

<p>In another thread came the last straw. I questioned the response time of an EMT/ambulance, saying 30 minutes is far too long for two broken legs of an elderly person at a facility. I referenced to an article which referenced to cardiac arrest victims and their times of survival which depended on below 5 minutes and at most 6 minutes. It was called "Every second: a person dies" from USA Today. I said we need to provide more funding to close these disparities.</p>

<p>A moderator responded named Esme who criticized my comment, saying even if the ambulance comes sooner paperwork must be filled out before the person can be taken away in an ambulance to the ER. 30 minutes they said was "good time." I cannot believe that this Esme person would say paperwork takes priority over a patient receiving treatment. How is 30 minutes "good time" and that doesn't even include the trip to the ER and time for treatment. They then held a grudge against me and went to another thread I was posting in and gave me an infarction. They deleted a post I wrote and gave me a warning for 30 points when I posted I did not understand why it was deleted as it was just a list (which it was, a list of sources and I was asking why the other person did not listen to them, Harvard, physicians, nursing unions, and John Hopkins included, and if not them who did they listen to?)</p>

<p>More people criticized me and I saw the person from the first thread who I criticized for not listening to John Hopkins in this thread as well and joining in. I have no idea where these people come from and apparently they spy on your other posts because one insulter questioned my qualifications (not very much experience, except I have done in-home health, ect) which I had only posted about in a few posts out of many, so they much have searched thoroughly for this information to bring against me.</p>

<p>All in all, I tried posting and could not. All of my posts were said to be requiring moderation. I am, effectively, banned except for putting likes. I looked for a way to delete my account, but cannot. I cannot stand the way I was treated for wanting better care for people and using reputable sources while numerous people insulted me left and right, yet I got the axe.</p>

<p>This is not a friendly website, and I hope everyone knows that their is a hierarchy and if you step on anyone's toes who has been there a long time, a guide, ect, you will face the consequences for practically nothing at all. They will send the lynch mob after you. I hope not all nurses are blind followers who do not question positions and use reputable sources. If everyone is to simply agree with everyone else, who else are we to improve are atrocious numbers in terms of health care rank? How are we supposed to improve at all if their is no freedom of thought and new ideas?</p>

<p>I would stay clear of because they do not care about the people receiving care, but more about the nurses. There is a strange anti-patient, pro-nurse mentality which I feel is unhealthy for medical relationships and proving true healthcare for people in desperate need. If you recommend lowering the costs of medical devices and make them more movable they will chop off your head. I said if more people had access to medical equipment safe for use in their homes it could lengthen life-spans (think, if everyone had a defibrillator, which are safe to use for non-medical, but also Hoyer lifts, ect for long term care would be better if more affordable and available for everyone's benefit). I saw many anti-medicaid comments on the website too which laughed at poor people. Very disrespectful and saddening as I believe everyone is valued.</p>

<p>Do not question mental "illness" either as they are eating out of the hands of psychiatry. There is a large push to diagnose as many as they can and label it all genetic. I have personally seen many people who do not have problems yet are supposedly this or that. Right, how can you drive well, be a good parent, dress clean, talk perfectly, have a nice house and have something. I'm not sure if they were especially diagnosed or not or if they made it up themselves and are joking. Some people made the disturbing responses that people should go back to being locked up in mental institutions against their will before the 1970's (asylums, though they reject the term, but in reality it is the same thing). I said this is against freedom of thought, inhumane, grim, and primly influenced by social and political factors (which is absolutely true, just look at history).</p>

<p>I do not recommend if you care about people, have new ideas, and want to improve healthcare, or like Harvard or John Hopkins. There is a hierarchy there and they will punish you for a differing, independent, and free thinking opinion to help people and provide change and progress.</p>

<p>“In another thread came the last straw. I questioned the response time of an EMT/ambulance, saying 30 minutes is far too long for two broken legs of an elderly person at a facility. I referenced to an article which referenced to cardiac arrest victims and their times of survival which depended on below 5 minutes and at most 6 minutes. It was called “Every second: a person dies” from USA Today. I said we need to provide more funding to close these disparities.”</p>

<p>Lol. Quoting an article from USA Today is hardly the academic back up you need. If you really want to be referencing research go the the Journals of EM, Critical Care, Anesthesiology, etc. </p>

<p>I also don’t see really why you attacked EMS…you have (presuming) absolutely no background or outside information on how they operate and provide care. While 30 minutes is preposterous for a 911 service to response, who made you the authority? And why did you quote a prehospital cardiac arrest study for a pt with bilateral femur fractures? No correlation whatsoever. </p>

<p>What’s making me upset (and I’m assuming those from is that you read a 300 word article from USA today on a topic not even remotely close to the current scenario and suddenly become an expert.</p>

<p>Will do!</p>

<p>I won’t be going there anytime soon!!!</p>

<p>I like leadership ability and improvement. Sounds like that place is the absolute anti-thesis to my entire generation of the 21st century!!!</p>

<p>IMRPOVE the world NOW!! Open up your mind and think out of the box we can fix this!</p>

<p>I cannot believe this. The same thing happened to me except it was for defending African Americans, Native Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, and women! This really is all I wrote! No kidding!</p>

<p>I’m an anti-racist/feminist meaning I will stand up for minorities and women. I saw this one post that was defending them too on one place on the site and I agreed with them. It was about mental illness like your last paragraph and special education too but anti-it I was saying it was lies and scam because like that person said they are overrepresented in these dx’s when they have lower suicide rates than white males. This makes no sense and it is racist. This person wrote they have 2.6 times more rate of getting involuntary institutionalized than whites though and I saw their other post too that it was from the 1990 era not long time ago. That only 2% of psychologists and psychiatrists are African American This made me angry and I posted in this place that I saw they were pushing more mental illness to diagnose more people like you said and the other person said and no way can this happen, minorities are smart, have no problems at all, and capable and they know it. They won’t get beaten down anymore. They are not buying this and they are taking leadership positions no matter what people do to try to disable them. I said they deserve it and equality. I don’t think they care about women either because I mentioned them also that the commercials show them on the screen 99% of time but they have lower suicide rates. I mean if you look at history yeah you can see these people targeted. I said minorities and women are not going to stand down now and they will still get up and have power and equality even though they try to disable them with these dxs overrepresented racism and sexism. Just look it up it is true racism regarding mental health more like a scam like that person said</p>

<p>I supported minorities and women and they deleted my post and banned me!
I logged it because I saw they deleted my post pro-minority pro-women and it read:</p>

<p>Attention: Please Read</p>

<p>You have been banned for the following reason:
Blatant spammer</p>

<p>Date the ban will be lifted: Never</p>

<p>What is this? I get angry by these facts and defend African Americans and women and allnurses ban me??? Do they not like them? This is creepy because I saw a Hispanic post once in spanish from a nurse who came to the US from peru wanting some advice and it was deleted in a few minutes along with the encouraging reply to it with links. It was a long post too and the person was nice, just asking for some advice from those who know spanish</p>

<p>Don’t go to this place and go anywhere but there because if you say anything supporting minorities and women or defend them because they get targeted the most by the mental illness scam and fraud while white males do the most suicides? say they are smart, capable, leaders, or you write in spanish, or say something pro-minority they will ban you right away. This site though is nice and I have seen people say pro-minority, pro-african american, pro-women things here and they are cool and let it stay, they will just ban you there if you say these things</p>

<p>Several posters with only one post each. Nothing to contribute until now and it’s about another site? Thanks for venting here.</p>

<p>Agree with Aglages… I’ve visited in the past, so was interested in what you had to say–that is until I simply became lost in a hurricane of venting… Could you restate?</p>

<p>Cecil - you are asking for more?</p>

<p>good point Charlie.</p>

<p>The number of grammar errors in the OP’s post makes me question her credibility.</p>

<p>InfirmiereJolie(by your name), it’s because you peed in their tree/club house!! They are like little immature children living behind a PC screen after many of them have been banned from Nursing themselves. This is there only life now. It is a for-profit site where Bryan Short and his followers(minions) guides, asst. Administrators, and Administrators squash anyone not agreeing with their beliefs and values, and many I know(me included) were banned for no breaking of TOS. I was banned two days ago after 4 years of membership for simply making a thread several guides loved, and upset one administrator. sirI, and TraumaRUS are brutal with Banning, and all of them are disrespectful, rude, hateful, and unfair. Being banned was liberating for me, I now walk my dog instead of being “moderated.” Karma will come around one day, and Allnurses will be exposed for the crooks, and creeps they are. That also includes Esme12, Tnbutterfly, Bryan, NrsKaren, Sharpeimom, Aknottedyarn, and Spideysmom. Join at your own wasted time for free, pay and be prepared for them to still deduct you annual fees from your Paypal account. They are disgusting people out for a profit disguised as a nurse support site. Wear your ban as a badge of support. Google DutchgirlRN, who was banned and started an excellent group who tried everything to silence. They read member’s PMs, track their member’s personal info, location, and then leave up your contributions to their site. Steer clear, find Dutch for a great healthcare forum.</p>

<p>OK, so how many screen names are you going to create this week?</p>

<p>I have been doing a little checking into the website mentioned in the above posts. Apparently, there are many, many complaints about that website and being able to share information and experiences. The only experience I have with that website earlier this year, was that as I read through some of the posts and posters comments was that they seemed very negative and bullying. I decided then, that it was not a forum I would be interested in and moved on. I do find it interesting that these warning posts made their way here. The are other nursing communities on the internet, apparently formed in response to the “banning” which has been going on for awhile at the above website. I have no opinion on any other websites, but it certainly is eye-opening.</p>

<p>I wish it was the OP saying what I had to say, no- I was banned for simply discussing a diagnosis after one year of article submission, student guidance, and hiring assistance to members. I really am glad though, hell, I was becoming just like them. Paper white, always posting in a dim room- and now I am outside with the dogs now, walking beach, dating, and they can have their twisted cyber club, lol! I was done a favor that I didn’t realize! I would go back now for a favor from sirI with TraumaRUS filming:) Free at last, thanks for showing me the “door!” I’m going fishing:)</p>