bar exam out-of-state

<p>Hi. I've been thinking about going to law school for a while.<br>
If I go to a law school in one state, say California, but I plan to move back to the Midwest after school and would like to practice law there (having no intentions of practicing law in California), is it possible for me to not take the California bar exam in the first place but to just seek to take the bar exam in the state where I would like to practice law?
Sorry if it seems like the answer to this should be obvious. To me it isn't. I have, of course, heard of people taking bar exams in more than one state. I'm just not sure exactly how it works, if I could "skip" the CA bar exam even if the degree is from there.</p>

<p>Yes, many do exactly that. What matters is that you attend an ABA accredited law school(California has several law schools which are not ABA accredited and are “California Bar only” schools). So check out the school you want to attend; I’d also recommend checking with the state bar where you will be taking the exam.</p>