Barnard Waitlist 2026

As many of us are moving into our alternatively determined colleges beginning of August, a decision released later than July would be mildly uncourteous given upcoming move-in dates and concrete post-secondary plans, especially for those on the waitlist who have expended so much dedication to the Barnard College.

Therefore, I phoned Barnard’s office of admissions yesterday to inquire about the possible use of the waitlist/ the possible release date of decisions if the waitlist is utilized. Although the front desk receptionist may not have been as knowledgeable as an admissions officer regarding this subject, they were able to provide some insightful information.

They responded with being unsure about the trajectory of the waitlist’s use, as although there has not been much movement, the use of the waitlist remains possible. They also predicted decisions released at the end of July, whether that be an admission decision or a formal close of the waitlist.

A rough date of a potential decision seemed to set me a bit at ease, as I know we all are looking for closure regardless of a decision, and I wish good luck to everyone here. I know that many, like myself, claim Barnard as their dream school, and have expended passionate time and effort toward Barnard. I just hope those efforts are somewhat reciprocated, if not for all of us, then at least for some :slight_smile:

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Did they give an estimate of how likely it will close by the end of July? I spoke with someone recently who said it is most likely going to stay open into August so just wondering. However it’s definitely a given at this point that they are unlikely to take more people off

I was not given an estimate, unfortunately, and I predict that answers may differ with different receptionists at the office due to different rumors/speculations passing around. Hopefully the first week of August is the latest they hold off…

hi everyone, just wanted to let you guys know i received a call around 10:30 am yesterday from Virginia Hart, who is actually not my admissions officer (I have christina lopez) but i did receive a spot off their waitlist and will be accepting! ik it seemed like nothing was moving but i think the waitlist is still open for any last minute changes. good luck!


congrats! What major? if you don’t mind sharing are you paying full or receiving financial aid?

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Oh my goodness! That is amazing!! Congratulations. Will you be accepting? And what major?

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Omg, you just said you were accepting LOL nvm

Congratulations!! So happy for you. Have you sent any waitlist updates recently?

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Yay!! Congrats! Did you apply for financial aid?

no aid

yes i kept sending them in throughout the end of school year, what i was continuing by, AP exams and senior year grades etc even though it was after may 1


Hi, Congratulations! Did you also get an email after getting the call?

has anyone else heard anything?

idk what theyre waiting for, classes are starting around 2 weeks and they havent even closed their waitlist…