Barnard Waitlist 2026

any updates?

When do you guys think the waitlist will close? need closure LOL


no same
i’m an international student and the one girl from my county who got in declined the offer so i’m somewhat hopeful but i haven’t gotten any updates

was that recently?

What major was she?

Last year, the waitlist closed on June 25. What do you guys think the delay is?

this was for the may 1st deadline

she applied polisci same as me

Anyone know any neuroscience majors that got off the waitlist? Or anything about what majors have been getting off?

I think honestly theres only gonna probs be like 1 or 2 people maybeee even getting off due to summer melt, seems like a lot of schools have met their target so movement isn’t likely at this point though I could be wrong

Someone on reddit said they emailed this:

“Hello admissions team,
I hope this email finds you well. If it is not too presumptuous of me to ask, is the Barnard Class of 2026 fully enrolled? And if so, do waitlisted candidates still have the opportunity to fill a candidate’s shoes, should an enrolled student choose to withdraw from Barnard before the academic year begins?”

and they responded with:

“Thank you for checking in. We have not closed our waiting list yet and will be in touch as soon as we know more. At this point we are not admitting additional students though that could change if a student withdraws this summer. Sorry we cannot be more specific on our timeline, but will add this note to your file that you remain interested in Barnard.”

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Waitlisted by Barnard, still no reply until now:(( I think they forget me

It sucks that they didn’t send this out to everyone… please give us something Barnard!

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Who did they email this to? When I emailed basically asking the exact same thing they just told me the waitlist was still open and there are no updates.

I received a reply today and I got the same response as you.

I have no idea, just a post on the barnard 2022 reddit page

Weird, they said they emailed the waitlist email too, not sure how we got such a different response in terms of specificity

Does anyone here have or know of someone who had Virginia Hart as their AO and got off the waitlist?

Sorry this is so late, but what major are you?

has anyone heard of any movement in the last month? I emailed and they said the waitlist is still open but I’m not too hopeful anymore lol :frowning: