Barnard's Commencement Speaker is

<p>So, never mind where one stands on politics, it’s pretty exciting to have the current Secretary of State speak at your daughter’s college graduation! Yep, that’s right: Hillary Rodham Clinton herself is the speaker! </p>

<p>My daughter is pretty excited and we are as well. Good job, Barnard!</p>

<p>woah ! Thats amazing…yay for Barnard !</p>

<p>As if I needed ANOTHER reason to be obsessed with Barnard…</p>

<p>mp153- i totally agree ! now, if i get rejected i dont know what im going to do ! Ah ! hopefully we will get to walk through those gates in late August !</p>

<p>When I heard that news, it made me so proud to be a part of the next generation of Barnard women! Yay for Barnard!</p>


<p>As someone who idolizes and adores Hillary (and campaigned for her all last semester)…</p>
