Bates College Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

Is your student deferred to the RD round? Your student should speak with the coach to understand what happened, and to make sure they did indeed have full coach support vs. something less than that.

Did your student have a positive pre-read with admissions? The coach should also have feedback regarding how best to proceed. Good luck.

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My child was deferred as well for ED1. They were supported by the school coach and told they were in the top of the list of recommended athletes. They also had an academic pre-read that went well. Asking the same question about how many kids that are deferred get in RD round. Should we start looking at other schools? The coaches are only referring us to Admissions at this point and an offer of ‘support’ for RD. If they could not get our child in via ED1 then what are their chances of their support helping in RD. Any advice welcomed! Thanks.

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@Astoria351 I’m sorry for the disappointing news. Given that Bates is need-aware, could that have played a role in the deferral? I hope that you’re able to get more information from admissions.

I’m sorry to hear this news. All you can do is stay in contact with the coach, and have your student reaffirm to both the coach and their AO that Bates is their top choice. Do you have clarity as to exactly what coach ‘support’ means? Full support or something less? I do know of other supported athletes (at peers of Bates), typically those with less than full support (but not always) that were deferred and then accepted in RD, so don’t give up. Is your student re-establishing connections with coaches at other schools?

Hopefully this applicant’s financial aid status was clarified during the recruiting process.


Did you have any luck with discovering why your daughter didn’t get a decision on Saturday?

Given that a few athletic recruits on this thread seemed to have been deferred, there might be some knowledge to be gleaned from another loosely related thread.

You should definitely be looking at other schools. While it could go your way at Bates in the RD round, it might not.

Just know, as you reopen discussions with other coaches that they may ask you to apply ED2, and if you do that, Bates will likely be off the table.


Hi - question for the group. At what point can parents get involved with the discussions? We want to hear more from the coaches about what happened when our student athlete was discussed with Admissions. We assume they know and are unclear why they are not being more forthright. Again - our child was on their ‘top’ list of recruits. We are understandably disappointed and confused with this deferral and what it means.

IMO it is appropriate for parents to be involved in any discussions between the coach and student about what happened, and next steps
but let the student lead. The coach still likely has influence over the RD decision (something to confirm), so tread lightly in these discussions, use them as fact finding and don’t become emotional or accusatory. I wouldn’t have any parent-coach only conversations.


She did get the decision—she was looking in the wrong place, apparently. Fortunately, she’s not aiming to be a computer science major :wink:

Alas, she was deferred, but she seemed ok with it because she’s gotten EA acceptances to a few schools that she’s really happy with. So while she’ll wait on Bates RD, she knows that she can get an excellent education and have a positive experience elsewhere. I’m grateful that she has a healthy attitude about this process.


My child is a recruited athlete and was accepted ED 1. The process took place almost entirely over the summer. There were two on-campus visits, a parent/child meeting with the coach, and most importantly a pre-read by admissions. Once the preread results were turned around (which took about a week) the coach told my child there was a ‘thumbs up’ from admissions. Our student stayed in constant coach contact July-Dec.


Hi Lynniet2021,

Your situation was fortunate. Our experience was the exact same leading up- multiple visits, positive pre-read, meetings with the coaches etc. and a supposed thumbs up by Admissions. Unfortunately, we were deferred. Still puzzled as to next step as Admissions told my child they had an “excellent” application - just too many other qualified applicants. Any suggestions from the group - welcomed

I am so sorry to hear this. My child was also a recruited athlete with a positive summer pre-read and was ultimately accepted. I had heard about supported athletes not getting in at various other NESCACs while helping my older child through their recruiting process, so was a little more concerned than most about this possibility. We never directly asked the coach about this (wished we had) but in retrospect do remember a brief mention that our child’s geography (not from New England) might be helpful. The only advice we got (from a college counselor very familiar with the recruiting process) was to have a robust non-sport resume/activities list, and to demonstrate interest in the school itself, not just the sport. It sounds as though your child did this though. Best of luck, I do hope it works out in the regular decision round!!


Hi, could I ask what sport?

Hi, could I ask what sport?