BCSCG Tickets

<p>Disclaimer: </p>

<p>I am in no way shape or form telling anyone to do this. Don’t blame/hate me if something goes wrong and you lose your money. I’m only giving those who are looking for tickets an option.</p>

<p>Some of you may remember a thread on here back in the spring touting the “ticket reserve” site that is partnered with the Sugar Bowl.</p>

<p>Basically what it is is a stock market for college football teams. You buy a “ticket reservation” for any college team you like. If THAT team gets in the BCSCG you get the right to buy a ticket to the game at face value. If your team does not get selected to the game then you LOSE the money you paid for the reservation.</p>

<p>Back in the spring these reservations were offered at the introductory prices ($85 for Alabama for example). Once these sold out you could then buy/sell reservations on the secondary market. Currently Alabama reservations are selling for $750 and up. Which would mean you’d pay $750 for the reservation and then an additional $300 for the face value of the ticket IF Alabama gets selected to the game. So you’re looking at paying $1050 for ONE ticket.</p>

<p>Here’s the thing. LSU reserves are currently only selling for $500. So IF you think it will be a Bama - LSU rematch then you could buy LSU reservations and get a ticket to the game that way. You’d still be paying $800 ($500 + $300) for ONE ticket but that’s a few hundred cheaper than you’d spend by buying the Bama reservations.</p>

<p>Just realize that there is a chance LSU could lose to Arkansas and get left out of the game. In that case Alabama would still be in the game but you would lose your original $500 investment and wouldn’t have a ticket. </p>

<p>If interested here is a link to the site. I suggest you read the FAQ carefully before buying anything. But remember that these prices fluctuate and they could go up/down at any time. Bama reservations were selling for $200 on Friday. They’ve now skyrocketed due to teams losing this week. If/when LSU beats Arkansas you can expect their reservations to go up to Alabama levels.</p>

<p>[Reserve</a> Tickets to the 2012 Allstate BCS National Championship Game  ](<a href=“http://teamreservation.allstatesugarbowl.org/content/home]Reserve”>http://teamreservation.allstatesugarbowl.org/content/home)</p>

<p>If the above link doesn’t work or is deleted by mods then just google “Sugar Bowl” and go the the sugar bowl .org site. You’ll see a banner link near the top center that says “2012 allstate BCS team reservations”. Click on that and you’re there.</p>

<p>Remember, I’m not telling you to do this. I’m not responsible if the team you buy reservations for doesn’t get in the game and you lose your money.</p>

<p>Seems risky either way. Either team could easily go to the SEC championship game, which is risking another loss. But dang, 800 bucks for one ticket…?</p>

<p>If it’s a Bama - LSU rematch you can expect to pay $2500 minimum for a pair. I agree it’s risky, but sometimes you take a chance to save hundreds.</p>

<p>I bought (5) Bama reservations back in the spring at $85 per. Sold (2) of them before we played LSU for $355 each after fees. Then bought (2) LSU reserves after the game for $185 each. Then bought (2) more Bama reserves last week for $160 each and another LSU reserve yesterday for $440.</p>

<p>It’s like playing the stock market but if things go as planned my original investment will be returned, my entire trip to New Orleans (airfare, hotel, game ticket, food etc etc) will be paid for, plus I’ll have an additional $1,000 in my pocket. Needless to say I’m rooting hard for LSU on friday :-)</p>

<p>That is literally the greatest thing I have ever heard. I don’t think I’d have the guts to do that. I’d be gambling with like my entire life savings even if I did!</p>

<p>Man I wish you would have shared this with us way earlier! lol. I remember seeing something like this a couple years ago when we went to Pasadena and forgot all about it.</p>

<p>I know you’re joking but I actually did post about it on the board way back in April :-). It’s in the 6th post down in this linked thread. </p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1135085-football-ticket-wait-list.html?highlight=football+tickets[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1135085-football-ticket-wait-list.html?highlight=football+tickets&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I probably should’ve continued mentioning it but there was no guarantee things would turn out the way they have turned out so far. Hopefully some will still be able to find tickets for a reasonable price.</p>

<p>Lol, oops. Haha.</p>