Because This Is Eating Me Alive

<p>Ok so i know I could potentially get a pop-up tomorrow, but...</p>

<p>I applied to the school of communications at UMiami. Early action
Unweighted gpa: 3.21/4.0 (terrible I know, started out decent but was abandoned by my mother at the beginning of jr. year. have not seen or heard from her. diagnosed with depression this october--meds, therapy..woo? haha, wrote additional info essay) I sent in first MP grades an had 2 As and 3 Bs so that shows an upward trend from what happened.
my class does not rank because too competetive--but top 40%
top three public high school in new jersey, top 100 in the nation
sends EVERYONE to top colleges</p>

<p>ACT- I did not take until senior year October, 2007 due to my lack of focus all jr. year: Composite: 30, English: 32, Math: 30, Reading: 30, Science: 28, Writing: 31</p>

<p>taken most rigorous courses offered.
5 APs (at my high school you have to take a qualifying test to even take the class because it is so competetive) but qualified for 6
AP Government & Politics, AP US History, AP European History, AP French Language, AP French Literature, & AP Statistics</p>

<p>5 years of math (1 ap)
5 years of english
4 years of science
5 1/2 years of history (3 ap)
4 years world language (1ap)
3 years of lab
3 years of chorus (honors selection)</p>

Yearbook: (9,10,11, 12) Editor (12)
Junior Statesmen of America Club: (9,10,11,12) Secretary (10) President (11,12)
Amnesty International Club (9,10,11,12) President (11,12)
Social Action Club (9, 10, 11, 12) President (11,12)
Key Club: (9,10,11,12)--soup kitchen volunteer
Volunteer Ski Instruction for kids ages three and up, teens, and adults: (9, 10, 11)</p>

Cross Country: (10,11,12) Varsity (10,11,12) Captain (12) First team all conference (10, 11) Second Team All Conference (12) Second Team All County (10, 11) Rookie of the Year (10) Most Improved (11), multiple medals
Winter track: (9, 10, 11, 12) Varsity (10,11,12)
Spring Track: (9, 10, 11, 12) Varsity (9,10,11,12) Captain (12)</p>

AP Gov&Pol: 4
Association of Professors of French academic recognition
Umich College programs in 2005--classes in film and writing
UCLA college program in 2006--classes in econ and psychology
Internship in public relations and communications in NYC 2007</p>

Unique and specific to each school</p>

2 teachers, guidance counselor, coach, and principal of my high school
I hope theyre great haha</p>

<p>we are like the same person. i have a 3.21 gpa and im the editor of my yearbook ha. my act's arent as good as yours though and i dont have sports but i have volunteering and stuff like that. and you have alot more ap classes than me. ha you are in before i am!</p>

<p>oh and i applied to the school of communications too, for advertising</p>

<p>SHB08, I think you should be okay. The only area where an issue might arise is, as you said, your GPA and more importantly, the reasoning behind it. While being abandoned and depression are certainly valid reasons, you have essentially used two of the "Four Dreaded D's" (divorce and depression, the other two are drugs and drinking). Adcoms view these as potential "trouble students" and are sometimes hesitant to admit them. I have Social Anxiety Disorder and Depression (meds&therapy for me too!) but did not mention it anywhere on ANY of my apps because of this.</p>

<p>That being said, your ACT is pretty good and your extracurricular activities and honors seem very strong. Assuming good essays and recs, I'd say you have a pretty good shot!</p>

<p>By the way, I'm from Jersey too! My school is only ranked in the 30s though so I don't have that going for me. Are you Millburn, McNair, or Ridge? (Or somewhere else, but those are the top 3 in Jersey I think according to Newsweek) Actually that's pretty stalkerish of me to ask so you don't have to answer.</p>

<p>But good luck!</p>

<p>Haha veggieheadgeek, I'm one of those three you mentioned. But don't worry, this isn't the first time people have mentioned my high school after I posted on cc. On the vandy forum, after I posed a question about the amount of students they admitted from a "hypothetical" high school, one kid responded telling me that she knew the high school I went to and how crazy it is. College confidential isn't really that confidential.
On another note, I wrote to colleges about my situation because there was a very drastic change in my grades. I wanted to show the adcoms that I'm really turning it around which I think my senior year grades show.<br>
Thanks for your input!</p>

<p>SHB: I completely guessed wrong; thought you were talking about Jericho HS on LI (6 were admitted to Vandy EDI)....Although the fact you are sooooo close to us ( i won't reveal) and that so many from your school got into Vandy EDI makes me very depressed.....Good Luck with all!!!!</p>