I am not trying to put you down boneh3ad. But, I am pretty sure you never took that intro to Marketing classes/courses aka Marketing 301. I understand since your major is Mechanical Engineering. I took a couple classes in Marketing as core courses for business major. So, I am saying it again: If any of you want to be Professional as Sales Engineer (not car sales man or selling washer and dryer etc), you need to take that classes as elective if you are not business major. Knowledge is huge and once you get it, it will make you the Man and will separate you from the boys.
That class will you will teach, equip and introduce you a bit of the tools in marketing, the psychology of marketing etc. And if you want to be specific and going deep then take another marketing class, like direct marketing, etc.
YES, Marketing courses definately have things to do with successful Sales Engineers. That is why people are not successful in Sales Engineer because they don’t have the philosophy of Marketing as presented in that class/course.
Your Engineering degree is also good to some degree for sales. But when it comes to professional sales job, you need to take some marketing courses. It is even worse that some people think of sales jobs can be done by only having High School degree and know how to talk to people. So high-end goods like aeroplanes, tractors, earth movers, etc, to be successful salesman, you need to take Marketing classes too.
More importantly, if you take MBA, you have to take classes in Marketing too. Why, MBA requires you to take that, so you can have knowledge about marketing, how to deal with sales-marketing staff and know to analyze the market and its philosophy etc. IF, they they think marketing is not important, they will not require you to take such courses in getting MBA, right?. check the MBA courses and its requirements.
The name of the job: Sales Engineer meaning it is not engineer but sales and to be successful in that job, you need also the basic knowledge of Sales-Marketing. IF you want to be successful and be into managerial position, take marketing classes/course but if you just want to be ordinary sales engineer then do not take Marketing classes.