<p>How much does this help? I earned my Eagle award last month, and I'm only a freshman. What more should I do to help me get into ND? How much of a difference of making Eagle Scout make? I haven't taken the ACT/SAT yet (I'm not that great of a standardized test taker, I'm practicing though), but I have a 4.2 GPA (4.25 is highest possible for Freshman). Thanks</p>
<p>It helps, but will not make or break you. There are anywhere from 25,000 to 35,000 Eagles a year. It can't hurt to be an Eagle, but keep in mind how many other Eagles will be applying. I did end up writing my essay on leadership through the eyes of an Eagle Scout and I got in.</p>
<p>anyone else know anything?</p>
<p>Last year, my D was deferred EA. She was in the process of going for her Gold Award (the Girl Scout equivalent of Eagle Scout), and mentioned this on her ND application. When speaking to her regional rep after being deferred, he twice mentioned that she should let him know of any changes to her record, such as ACT scores, or Gold Award. She ended up not getting the Gold Award, and was waitlisted RD, and not taken off the waitlist. Had she received the Gold Award, I bet that it would have definitely worked as atiebreaker on her behalf.</p>
<p>Son is an Eagle Scout and was admitted RD. I think the date show about 6% of the class last year were Eagle or Gold Award winners. It must help, but it's no magic key to ND, where 70% of the student body were in the top 5% of their high school class.</p>