Benacquisto scholarship - University of Miami class of 2025

My Daughter has received presidential scholarship of 25k and she is a national scholar finalist, will she able to get Benacquisto scholarship from U M?
For that is she required to put U M as first choice? Or by default she become eligible to receive Benacquisto scholarship? As I notice by giving first choice it only gives additional ~2k scholarship vs Benacquisto gives ~21k.
Also is that scholarship for each year or only one time?

Yes, it will be around 22k

22k for each year?
And do we need to select UM as a first choice or that is not required?

The reason to check my daughter got into UF and UM both and we are more inclined towards attending UM but current cost is a bit high. And both of them are giving Benacquisto scholarship, so wondering if we can keep option open till we understand the complete financials. Does our decision to change from UM to UF first choice later stage has any impact on Benacquisto scholarship, or that is independent of school of choice.

The Benacquisto actually comes from the State of Florida. Yes, she has to list UM as first choice but I think has until May to do so.

The schools can allow stacking of their own scholarships with Benacquisto. Check with UM’s scholarship office and they’ll tell you how it works.

The scholarship is for each year. The funding has to go through the state budget, and there is a bill currently in the legislature to change Benacquisto. Some schools have guaranteed their own funds if the state funding changes (UCF, FSU) but others haven’t (UF). Ask UMiami what its position is.

Sorry, Benacquisto will give you about 22K to use in Miami if you select UM as your first choice in the NM app. Miami will give you 1K or 2K NM award on top of that.

Editing because my original post was a little sloppy and there’s no need to repeat internet rumors! But Benacquisto may be modified by the Florida legislature and I would love to hear from any other UMiami national merit students about how they are thinking about that with respect to UMiami.