Berkeley and UChicago?

Hi, I am currently a junior but it would be great if you guys can just tell me if I have a decent chance or not
Ethnicity: asian female
Location: new jersey
Income: 200,000+


Ap Classes: Have/currently taken 5(calc bc, micro/macro economics, chem, USH, world) but plan to take 4 more next year(japanese, stat, physics, and gov pol). USH was a 4.

GPA: approx 3.85 by the end of the year if grades stay as they are but will probably be higher if next year’s grades are included.

President of Japanese clubs (would have been member for 4 years and in a leadership role)
President and Founder of the Make A Wish foundation club ( 2 years )
Member of School Art Gallery (3 years)
Member of Chinese American Newspaper( 2 years)
Will be doing a summer exchange program in Japan(I don’t know if that helps at all but…)
In Charge of the Asian fest Banner decoration committee and one of the organizers of the Asian Festival(which is very successful in my school. large turn out)
Member of NHS (3 years)
Was ranked #4 in the state for my japanese abilities.
member of a student run tutoring program for fellow high school students(3 years).

If I dont have a good chance, could you please tell me areas you think I should improve? Any advice is welcome and thank you so much!

UCB: Very good chances
Chicago: Very low chances

^^ Good Luck though!

Thank you!

Are you Chinese or Japanese? If you are Japanese you have a better chance of getting into UChicago. I don’t know of many Japanese students at the school. You should apply EA to improve your chances. If you have any interest in computer science, take classes in it in high school and show intent to major in it on your application. Good luck.

Good chance for Berkeley and a decent shot at Chicago. Good luck.

You have a good chance at UCB and you are a strong candidate for UChicago (it’s such a competitive school so who can really tell).