<p>From all I've looked at these schools seem pretty similar, blue and yellow, prestigious public schools, rebellious histories, what do you guys think about these schools? how do you think they compare? which is dare i say it, better?</p>
<p>What do you think the UC Berkeley section of CC is going to say.</p>
<p>that’s what i’d like to see, i made a similar post on the michigan wall, i guess i’m more interested in the reasons for your respective partisanship</p>
<p>Michigan for undergrad (because of Ann Arbor) and Berkeley for grad school.</p>
<p>Michigan is a tad easier, i.e., less competitive.</p>
<p>What do you guys know about Berkeley’s film program?</p>
Since these institutions are peers and roughly equal, I would go for the option that costs less.</p>
<p>You mentioned in the Michigan thread that you’re a California resident. In-state tuition will be tough to beat at Cal, but if UMich comes thru with the money to make the cost comparable to Cal, I might choose Michigan…depends…would be a tough choice.</p>
<p>Good luck.</p>
<p>anybody know anything about the rhetoric major?</p>
<p>I think they are obviously both stellar schools. The climate (in terms of weather) is a big difference. I also think that the name Berkeley is somewhat more well known, if you care about name recognition at all.</p>
<p>michigan has one of the highest numbers of living alumni and a lot in high places, i think the berkeley name may be bigger in california but overall i think mich’s is atleast equal</p>
<p>berkeley is tops for engineering</p>
<p>which is all well and good, but unimportant to me</p>
<p>Unless you live in neither Michigan nor California, go to the school in your home state. Whatever differences exist aren’t worth tens of thousands of dollars.</p>
<p>Go to school where you want to live and work long-term.</p>
<p>well i guess now its a matter of getting in</p>
<p>Biases aside, I would go for Cal because of the prestige factor. I still think that Cal is the number 1 State U in the US.</p>
<p>whats so great about ann-arbor (not sarcastic)?</p>
<p>U-M Ann Arbor campus, I assume. Academic competition there is less than at UCB/UCLA – It’s easier for an out-of-state student to get admitted to UMAA, than it is for an out-of-state student to get admitted to UCLA/UCB.</p>
<p>That has to do with demographics (California has much higher population of OverAchieveing Asians and their OverAchieving Offspring than the mid-west.)</p>
<p>Once upon a time, UMAA ranked higher in some fields than Berkeley. But those days are long past. Either school is an excellent public university.</p>
<p>That may vary by locality. People around the mid-west area will know UMAA – though I guess it’s true people on the west-coast are less likely to.</p>
<p>whats so great about ann-arbor (not sarcastic)?</p>
<p>ann arborn is greener, has less engineers than Berkeley :)</p>
<p>finally accepted to both and honestly i think the institutions are similar enough that the weather and price point swing this decision decisively into Berkeley’s corner</p>