<p>Looks like you never watch the news.</p>
<p>I never said terrorism was at an all time low....wat i did say was that he is fighting it and that Bush has no control over the number of terrorists there is.</p>
<p>"On the other hand, Dubya has neglected the hunt for Bin Laden. Result?"</p>
<p>We are still killing terrorists and hurting Al Qaeda, so it may not be at an "all time low" but we are weakening them and it has to be done whether its through Iraq, Iran, N. Korea I dont care.</p>
<p>"sending tape threatening an attack "greater than that in Manhattan "</p>
<p>OH NO!! we must all run and hide hes made a threat! Obviously if Laden is weakened he is not going to show it so he will continue making tapes even when he is in Mutha f^#$@ing prison. The tapes are irrelevant.</p>
<p>the news is extremely liberal and biased so it would not make a difference even if i do which i do.</p>
<p>"the news is extremely liberal and biased so it would not make a difference even if i do which i do"</p>
<p>The news are presented as objectively as possible. Please dont make excuses.</p>
<p>"Obviously if Laden is weakened he is not going to show it so he will continue making tapes even when he is in Mutha f^#$@ing prison. The tapes are irrelevant."</p>
<p>Do you live in a cave? His most recent video was presented by the media just days before the elections. And since when did Bin laden go to prison? Dude, do some research!</p>
<p>Unfortunately, it is just wrong to say that terrorism is at an all time low. In terms of deaths, it's at an all time high.</p>
<p>Here's my list though:
1. Lincoln
2. FDR
3. Washington
(these three are truly in a class of their own)</p>
T. Roosevelt</li>
Most Underrated: Truman
Most Overrated: Kennedy and Reagan (although both were certainly above average, they each find themselves far higher on these lists than either deserves, probably because of charisma.)
Worst: Harding (obviously)
Best Dressed: Taft</p>
<p>I think time will tell with the recent presidents (Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and Bush.) However, I think we will see, historically, the stock of Reagan fall and that of Clinton and Bush Sr. rise. Bush Jr. is way too divisive, since he is currently in office, as are Clinton and Reagan, to an extent. For you guys to include any of these Presidents on your top five lists is just silly, primarily because none are truly exceptional (has anyone read the 9/11 Commission Report?; or a list of the legislative accomplishments of the three?; etc.) but also because the 'jury is still out', so to speak.</p>
<p>"His most recent video was presented by the media just days before the elections."</p>
<p>yeah and did he act on it?</p>
<p>"And since when did Bin laden go to prison? Dude, do some research!"</p>
<p>I meant when we catch him he will still be acting like an idiot..... dont put words in my mouth.</p>
<p>before 9/11-- Bin Laden was though to be an idot
after 9/11-- same feelings</p>
<p>No wonder why we got attcked!!</p>
<p>"yeah and did he act on it"</p>
<p>We never no when he can attack. But we have to anticipate it. Did anyone know about the 9/11 attacks? case closed.</p>
<p>America failed to capture Bin Laden in 3 years of searching. I dont think Bin Laden is an idiot. Rather Bush is!</p>
<p>no better yet our armed forces are idiots!! yeah!!! thats wat you have been meaning to say havent you? just admit it. Go ahead be like the hippies during Vietnam "no more baby killers!" yay! voice your opinion like it really matters primitive!!! If your view is so perfect I wonder why the whole world doesnt believe it??? Its a shame somebody as smart as you would be stuck debating online.</p>
<p>"If your view is so perfect I wonder why the whole world doesnt believe it"</p>
<p>Probably you dont watch the news but the MAJORITY of the world dont approve of Bush and relations with America. No wonder why we dont have much allies..</p>
<p>"no better yet our armed forces are idiots!!"</p>
<p>who is the commander in chief of the arm forces? thats right, its Dubya. He is the one i an referring to as an "idiot."</p>
<p>when have we ever been on socially good terms with europe? nobody ever likes us until germany attacks them again. </p>
<p>Next, contact me when ther is another terrorist attack on america, cuz last i checked there hasn't been. they are hiding somewhere in a cave or something, and there ain't gonna be another terrorist attack here with an aggresive president, until maybe some pansy liberal god forbid somehow gets into office and lets the guard down.</p>
<p>wasnt Bin Laden hiding in a cave even before 9/11? And you will be contacted when there's another attack. LOL</p>
<p>Bush? An aggressive President? He doing zilch with N. Korea. He looks kinda aggressive when he chokes on pretzels! hahaha</p>
America failed to capture Bin Laden in 3 years of searching. I dont think Bin Laden is an idiot. Rather Bush is!
<p>Clinton never captured bin Laden either, so what's your point? The determining factor of capturing bin Laden is not dependent on the President, but rather, the ability to get the right intelligence. </p>
<p>And America is going to get attacked no matter who is President; so far Bush has done a good job of preventing those attacks. I don't see how you can dispute that point.</p>
<p>"so far Bush has done a good job of preventing those attacks"</p>
<p>There wanst ant terrorist attacks during the Clinton years. so with your line of reasoning is good in preventing terrorism!!</p>
Andrew Johnson
Andrew Jackson
<p>During Clinton's tenure attacks on the U.S. by foreign terrorists included the 1993 bombing of New York's World Trade Center, the 1996 bombing of the military quarters at the Khobar Towers, the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, and the bombing of the U.S. Navy destroyer Cole in Yemen in 2000.</p>
<p>Looks like somebody needs history lessons.</p>
<p>Looks like you need a GEOGRAPHY lesson. Most of the attacks were outside the U.S. The attack on WTC is Bush Sr.'s fault.</p>
Andrew Johnson
James Buchanan
Warren G. Harding
Franklin Pierce
John Tyler</p>
<p>shut up primitive now ur just being a b^$%#</p>
<p>"There wanst ant terrorist attacks during the Clinton years. so with your line of reasoning is good in preventing terrorism!!"</p>
<p>lol OWNED by packerfan OWNED OWNED OWNED</p>
<p>i meant attacks at HOME. this means attacks on CIVILIANS. Of course you know little of this as you dont watch the news. </p>
<p>Looks like you are cheerleading for conservatives here, keep up the good work. LOL</p>